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ORCID: 0000-0003-2864-2614
ResearcherID: L-3030-2015
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Раджханс Санджай Кумар

7 июня 1974 — 21 июля 2021

Санжай – вышкинец. Он успешно завершил двухлетнюю магистерскую программу «Политический анализ и публичная политика» НИУ ВШЭ, защитил диплом по теме «Использование мягкой силы во внешней политике Индии», был приглашен к преподаванию на кафедру публичной политики.

Санжай умел создать необыкновенную атмосферу соучастия, взаимоподдержки, межкультурного общения в многонациональном коллективе студентов и преподавателей. Совместно со студентами Санжай создал традицию ежегодного проведения «Недели прав человека», в котором принимали участие других факультетов и приглашённые эксперты.

Санжай разработал и вел интересные учебные курсы, в 2018 и 2020 годах признавался лучшим преподавателем - Human Rights in Non-Western Societies, Methodology and Research Methods of Political Science, Humanitarian Actions. Он занимался исследовательской работой. Авторитетным международным журналом European Policy Analysis в 2021 году принята к печати статья “Problem complexity and narratives in Moscow's waste controversy”, подготовленная в рамках научно-учебной группы в соавторстве с профессорами и студентами.

Летом этого года Санжаю выпали тяжелые испытания, в Индии, где он дожидался получения визы, чтобы возвратиться в Москву к преподаванию, он перенес одну за другой малярию и Ковид-19, в перерывах между болезнями старался не оставлять работы и продолжал удаленно участвовать в преподавании. Видимо, постковидные осложнения дали о себе знать, сердце не выдержало и 21 июля Санжай покинул нас.

Санжай – жизнерадостный открытый ищущий человек, отличный преподаватель и исследователь, он прекрасный друг и отец двух несовершеннолетних дочек-близняшек. Нам трудно принять его утрату, мы по-прежнему считаем его частью нашего общего дела, в которое он внес много душевных сил, оптимизма и своей светлой энергии.

Факультет социальных наук


  • 2017

    Магистратура: Международный университетский колледж Турина, квалификация «Магистр права»

  • 2016

    Магистратура: Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», специальность «Политология», квалификация «Магистр»

  • 2002

    Магистратура: Университет Бунделкханда, специальность «Английский язык», квалификация «магистр гуманитарных наук»

  • 1998

    Магистратура: Университет Бунделкханда, специальность «Политология», квалификация «Магистр гуманитарных наук»

Дополнительное образование / Повышение квалификации / Стажировки

1. Successful participation in the International Summer School on Human Rights at the University of Padova. 8th of July – 14th of July 2018 (8 ECTS credits).

2. Successful completion of the 2nd IPSA-HSE Summer School on Methods at St. Petersburg. 26th of July – 10th of August 2018.

3. Successful competion of the International Summer School on Human Rights at Adam Misckiewich University Poznan Sept 2018.

4. Successful completion of the summer school on the Global Governance at the University of Geneva from 1-5th of July 2019

5. Successful completion of the Summer school on Democratic governance, Policy innovation and learning 08-13 July 2019

6.  Winter school on the Global Governance at the University of Pavia Dec 1-4 2019

Достижения и поощрения

Лучший преподаватель – 2020, 2018







Глава книги Зайцев Д. Г., Раджханс С. К. Глобальное демократическое управление: теория и методология оценки эффективности гражданского участия // В кн.: Труды КНИИ РАН Вып. 8. Грозный : Комплексный научно-исследовательский институт им. Х.И. Ибрагимова, 2015. С. 315-331.

Полномочия / обязанности

  • Co-ordinator for the Human Rights and Democratic Governance Track in Public Policy Department
  • Co-ordinator of the students initiative at the Public Policy Department 
  • PR and interaction with potential  students of the Department of Public Policy;
  • Holding the Day of Open Doors;
  • Responsible for the Winter School for entrants at the Department of Public Policy.
  • Responsible for the annual Summer school organized by Department of Public Policy.
  • Support of co-curricular activity of students of the Department of Public Policy.
  • Organizer and departmental representative  of the International Winter/Summer school on Human Rights with the partner institutions - Unibo, Institute of Human Rights Strassbourg and HSE.
  • PR and communication work with Public Policy Department students and further dissimination of the Department amongst the public institutions for the paid students amongst the embassies and other international organizaitons.
  • Organization of "Open Day" of Public Policy Department.
  • Responsible for the organization of the Winter School for prospective students of Public Policy Department; Organizer of the Winter/Summer school for the Public Policy Department for the past two years.
  • Support of students co-curricular activities at Public Policy Department including the events related with the celebration of the International Human Rights Day, Africa Day, the round table conference with the International delegations.
  • Participation in the Portfolio assessment and selection process of the prospective students via detailed interviewing in co-ordination with the other key members of the department.


  • 2017
    Policy Advice in Comparative Perspective: From Shaping Political Discourse to Policy Change in Transitional and Developing Countries (Москва). Доклад: The Technological Community Impact on Policy Decisions in the Field of the Science and Technology Sector (Case of India and Russia)
  • 2016
    XXIV Международный конгресс по политическим наукам «Политика в мире неравенства», МАПН (IPSA) (Познань). Доклад: The Technological Community Impact on Policy Decisions in the Field of the Science and Technology Sector
  • 2015

    2nd International Conference on Public Policy (Милан). Доклад: Protest Public as a Social Actor: from mosaic of "issue-based groups" to the unity of "the other world possible"



9-13 января 2017 — Международная зимняя школа “Human Rights as a Horizontal Issue in EU External Policy”, Болонский университет — Презентация доклада "The “evolution of Horizontal” in the Human Rights issue in the past twenty five years relatiuons between the Asian countries and EU".

Опыт работы

2015 – н.в. — старший преподаватель кафедры публичной политики НИУ ВШЭ.

2007–2014 — старший преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных исследований Киевского национального университета им. Тараса Шевченко.

2009–2014 — преподаватель кафедры востоковедения Киевского национального лингвистического университета.

2007–2009 — преподаватель кафедры международных отношений Киевского международного университета.

Организационная активность

  • Coordinator of the annual Winter school on the subject of "Russian Historic Memory: in search for Identity" held at Rostov Veleky October 2017.
  • Initiated the process for the sponsorship of the Annual HSE conference in the year 2017 with the participation of Embassy of India's participation as one of the key sponsors of the event.
  • Co-cordinator of the International spring school on Human Rights ( with the partnership of UniBO and IIHR,Strassbourg in May 2016 at Voronovo with the theme "Religion, Identity and Freedom of Conscience" Vornovo Moscow.
  • Organizer of the Round table conference "Nuclear Energy Safety and Public Awareness: A Round Table Discussion at Public Policy Department April 27th 2016.
  • Coordinator of the Winter school for Public Policy Department at Voronovo  in the year 2016 and 2017 organized by Faculty of Social Sciences.
  • Organized the International day on Human Rights organized with the help of students from the  Department of Public Policy in the year 2015 and 2016.
  • Helped in the growth tragectory plan for Read Square a digital platform where new and fresh ideas are explored and delivered through international students’ eyes with the year 2015 and 2016, a publication project that supports the Internationalization visibility of the HSE most notably in the english speaking space.
  • Made a weeklong promotional visit for HSE in Kenya promoting the larger set of collaboration with the Kenyan educational institutions in August 2016 with the preparation for the memorendum of understanding between the University of Nairobi with the cooperation of the Embassy of Kenya in Russian Federation.
  • Coordinator of the Week of Trust program in Ukraine in the year 2010, with the visit of  the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and the celebrated author Prof. Rajmohan Gandhi  from the University of Illinois  during his tour to the Eastern Europe in the year 2010.
  • Project Director of the Diplomats Day celebration held at the Kiev International University 2009.
  • Project Director of the Birth Centenary celebration of Dr. Anand Kumaraswamy in the National  Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2009.
  • Organized an inter university seminar in Kiev “BRIC nations and the emerging multi polarity” at the Institute of International Relations Kiev 2009.
  • Organized the seminar on the subject of “Globalization of Indian culture and the soft Power of India” with the participants from more than seven countries at the Institute of International Relations – Kiev 2006.
  • Curator of the “Roerich revisited” the painting exhibition 2007 in T.G.Shevchenko National University.

Памяти Санжая Раджханса

Факультет социальных наук сообщает о смерти преподавателя кафедры публичной политики Санжая Раджханса и выражает соболезнование семье и коллегам.

Democratic Unease in the Post Trump Period

The webinar organized by Prof Alberto Pirnie at the institute of law, politics and development at Scuola Superiore Sant Anna in Pisa, Italy by inviting Prof Sanjay Rajhans of HSE from the Department of Public Policy, Moscow to deliver a lecture titled “Terra Incognita or more of the same: The “Democratic unease” in the post Trump period” was a timely contribution with changes that have occurred across the Atlantic in the recent past.

Humanitarian Action Seminar Series with Oxfam Russia

'Humanitarian Action' is a course that takes a critical lookat the humanitarian actions in the context of the history, legal framework, and its theoretical underpinnings. OxFam International is a reputable international humanitarian action organization. This year collaborated with the Department of Political Analysis and Public Policy to educate students of the course on the issues of contemporary actions.

Стратегическое саморазвитие: факультет социальных наук провел первый проектный семинар

Факультет социальных наук продолжает удерживать пальму первенства в вопросах стратегического развития в области образовательной и кадровой деятельности. 21 июня в продолжение февральской Форсайт-сессии ФСН на факультете был проведен стартовый проектный семинар.

The Policy Visions of the Present Indian Government and the Regional Political Institutions

As part of the Global Political Economy course, on the 5th of April Mr. Nandan Unnikrisnan the Vice President of the Observer Research Foundation in India was invited to deliver a lecture on emergence of India in the global arena, the economic challenges India faces with development and how those challenges are reflected in the making of India's foreign policy

National Laws and the Global Economy: Role of The World Bank in the Promotion of Legal Reforms

The Department of Public Policy on 23rd March 2018, organized a public lecture on 'National laws and the Global Economy: Role of The World Bank' in the promotion of legal Reforms delivered by the Rector of University of Turin, Professor Gianmaria Ajani. The lecture was held in the framework of the series of the Public lectures and discussions  in the Global Political Economy course

Policy Space and the Human Rights Week: a Global Concern for the Expression and Capacity

The Student Chamber of the Department of Public Policy at National Research University Higher School of Economics celebrated Human Rights Week – in honor of the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights – by hosting a series of activities, a film screening, and write-for-rights by Amnesty International, a privilege walk and a play, performed by students from the department.

A Collective retreat for participatory observation: Deconstructing the constant reshaping of the Russian identity and memory Policy

From 23rd to 29th of October 2017, Department of Public Policy, Higher School of Economics had a weeklong educational retreat in the form of the Winter school dedicated to the subject of the “Russian historic memory: in search of identity”. The school was a weeklong learning platform conjoined in the by the participants from the four continents in one of the old and historical cities of Russia- Rostov Velikiy.

IV Международная научная конференция "Culture in society, between groups and across generations"

18-20 апреля в Москве состоялась IV Международная научная конференция "Culture in society, between groups and across generations", организованная сотрудниками Международной научно-учебной лаборатории социокультурных исследований Экспертного института НИУ ВШЭ.

Students Travel to India for Sustainable Development and Inclusive Policy Forum

The Global Youth Leadership Development Program provides a unique platform for global youth to gain a nuanced understanding of global affairs. The ultimate aim of the programme is to expose a diverse group of participants from around the world to the idea of leadership, which my fellow participants and I feel was successfully achieved during the pilot programme that was launched in India in March 2017 to meet the specific needs of the Global Youth Leaders.

HSE Faculty of Social Sciences to Offer Webinar on English-taught Master’s Programmes

On March 14, 2017, at 6:00 pm Moscow time, the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences will hold its first webinar for prospective international Master’s students. During the webinar, academic supervisors and leading lecturers will cover HSE’s English-taught Master’s programmes in political science, sociology and public administration.

A week of Warm International Winter School on Human Rights at UNI-BO

The week long International Winter School on Human Rights got organized in the Forli Campus of University of Bologna from 9th -13th of January 2017.  A unique  yearly project jointly initiated by Prof. Nina Yurievna Belyaeva, from the Higher school of Economics along with her illustrious partner from the University of Bologna ( Italy most notably  Prof Marco Balboni and Prof Carmello Danisi )  and International Institute of Human Rights ( Rene Cassin Foundation, Strasbourg).

Зимняя школа факультета социальных наук НИУ ВШЭ: кафедра публичной политики

Зимняя школа кафедры публичной политики факультета социальных наук позволила студентам, интересующимся магистерской программой "Политический анализ и публичная политика", получить общее представление о её содержании, перспективах для выпускников и особенностях учебного процесса.

A Voyage to  East Africa: Destination Kenya 

In July 2016, lecturers of the HSE master’s programmes in Population and Development andPublic Policy took a week-long exploratory journey to Kenya, where they visited Maseno University, the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, and Nairobi University.

International Spring School on Human Rights Debates Issues of Religion, Identity and Freedom of Conscience

In May, the HSE Voronovo Learning Centre hosted the International Spring School on Human Rights, a five-day educational retreat organized jointly by the HSE Department of Public Policy, the University of Bologna and the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Nuclear Energy Safety and Public Awareness: A Round Table Discussion at Public Policy Department

On April 27, a meeting with the delegation from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the experts on ASEAN took place at the Department of Public Policy. The topic of the discussion was 'Nuclear Energy Safety and Public Awareness'. The participants also talked about the policy of ZOPFAN and NFZ for security & peace building and about Indonesia as an actor in ASEAN. The event was organized by HSE Public Policy Department and moderated  by Vice Chair of the Department Sanjay K. Rajhans. Students of Public Policy Department took active part in the event.

At A Time When The Needs Of The Citizens Have Increased We Are Working Out The Solutions

Sanjay Rajhans is a Senior Lecturer from HSE Public Policy Department. RS wonders how many hours does Sanjay have to manage every task with distinction? In HSE he is responsible for the organization of the Winter School, providing support for students’ extra-curricular activities at Public Policy Department and delivering lecturers in his department.