Опубликованы труды 5-й международной конференции по анализу формальных понятий

С.О. Кузнецов, Ш. Шмидт. Formal Concept Analysis, 5th International Conference (ICFCA'07), Springer, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4390. (Анализ формальных понятий. Труды 5-й международной конференции) 

С.О. Кузнецов, Ш. Шмидт. Formal Concept Analysis, 5th International Conference (ICFCA'07), Springer, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4390. (Анализ формальных понятий. Труды 5-й международной конференции)


Анализ формальных понятий (АФП) - современная область теории решеток, которая предоставляет удобное математическое средство для построения и визуализации таксономий объектов и получения знаний из фактов.  Представленные в сборнике работы касались как математических основ АФП, так и ее приложениям в анализе данных и искусственном интеллекте.




1. Bernhard Ganter, Relational Galois connections (Invited lecture)

2. Peter Eklund and Rudolf Wille, Semantology as Basis for Conceptual Knowledge Processing

3. Marie Agier and Jean-Marc Petit, A New and Useful Syntactic Restriction on Rule Semantics for Tabular Datasets

4. Marianne Huchard, Amedeo Napoli, Mohamed Rouane Hacene, and Petko Valtchev, A proposal for combining formal concept analysis and description logics for mining relational data

5. Carlo Meghini and Nicolas Spyratos, Computing Intensions of Digital Library Collections

6. Ben Martin and Peter Eklund, Asymmetric Page Split Generalized Index Search Trees and Formal Concept Analysis

7. Sebastien Ferre, The Efficient Computation of Complete and Concise Substring Scales with Suffix Trees

8. Peggy Cellier, Sebastien Ferre, Olivier Ridoux, and Mireille Ducasse, A Parameterized Algorithm for Exploring Concept Lattices

9. Tarek Hamrouni, Petko Valtchev, Sadok Ben Yahia, and Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, About the lossless reduction of the minimal generator family of a context

10. Sebastian Rudolph, Some Notes on Pseudo-intents

11. Gabriela Arevalo, Anne Berry, Marianne Huchard, Guillaume Perrot, and Alain Sigayret, Performances of Galois Sub-hierarchy-building algorithms

12. Francisco J. Valverde-Albacete and Carmen Pel 'aez-Moreno, Galois, Connections between Semimodules and Applications in Data Mining

13. Jesus Medina and Manuel Ojeda-Aciego and Jorge Ruiz-Calvino, On multi-adjoint concept lattices: definition and representation theorem

14. Bernhard Ganter and Heiko Reppe, Base Points, Non-unit Implications, and Convex Geometries

15. Dmitry Pal'chunov, Lattices of relatively axiomatizable classes

16. Bjoern Vormbrock, A solution of the word problem for free double Boolean algebras

17. Leonard Kwuida, Branimir Seselja, and Andreja Tepavcevic, On the MacNeille completion of weakly dicomplemented lattices

18. Tim Becker, Polynomial Embeddings and Representations

19. Rudolf Wille, The Basic Theorem on Labeled Line Diagrams of Finite Concept Lattices

20. Christian Zschalig, Bipartite Ferrers-graphs and Planar Concept Lattices