Vladimir Eliseenko
- Expert: Institute for Public Administration and Governance / Department of New Technologies of State and Municipal Administration
- Vladimir Eliseenko has been at HSE University since 2003.
Management of Strategic Partnerships with Regional Universities and Local Government Bodies
Management of development projects for the built environment
Supervision of Campus Space and Campus Services
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economics
- 2013
6th Annual Public Performance Measurement and Reporting Conference (Trenton, NJ). Presentation: Wrong attitude or just wrong measures: local authorities’ views on a centralized performance benchmarking project
Employment history
Inside HSE University since 2003.
Before 2015:
- Head of new public management technologies department (HSE Institute for public administration and public management, Regional Public Administration Development Center);
- Deputy Head, Senior Lecturer (HSE Theory and practice of Public management Department).
After 2015:
Served in positions as Assistant to the rector, Director - Chief of Staff. Field of competence - quality of internal management processes; quality of administrative services for faculty and staff.
After 2019:
Deputy First-Vice Rector (working with First Vice-Rector Alexander Shamrin). Management area: campus and infrastructure: quality, standards and services.
Since 2022 :
Adviser for Vice-President Alexander Shamrin. Management area: campus and infrastructure: quality, standards and services.
Since 2023 till now:
Group Lead, development of strategic academic partnerships with russian regional governments and regional universities.
The wrong public servants or the wrong indicators: assessment of the quality of the performance efficiency system of local authorities, conducted by specialists of local administrations
On 14 April a workshop was held of the study group "Performance Management 2.0" as part of the project titled "The life cycle and quality of performance management systems in government authorities". The report "The wrong public servants or the wrong indicators: assessment of the quality of the performance efficiency system of local authorities, conducted by specialists of local administrations" was presented by Vladimir Eliseenko, assistant rector and deputy head of the department for theoretical and practical public management of the Public and Municipal Management Faculty.
IPAMM NRU HSE experts comment on the problem of regional differentiation
The vital issue, raised at the recent meeting of the Presidium of the State Council as to which system should be used to assess the work of regional heads and whether or not, to this end, a new "synthetic" indicator of "modernisation success of the regions" should be introduced, which, according to Dmitry Medvedev, would be linked with "the governor's personal success and with his ultimate fate", is a matter of concern for the vast minority of the population. That said, this minority is extremely influential: the governors themselves, Dmitry Medvedev and the current acting head of the Finance Ministry Anton Siluanov,' writes Kommersant Dengi in its article entitled Federation on Subsidies. The matter of regional differentiation that this article raises was the subject of comment by Nadezhda SIVASHEVA and Vladimir ELISEENKO, experts from the Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE.
NRU HSE looks at monitoring the provision of public and municipal services
On 22 September the Higher School of Economics held a workshop titled 'Monitoring the Provision of Public (Municipal) Services'. The workshop brought together representatives from executive authorities from various regions of the country and research fellows from the Institute of Public and Municipal Administration of the Higher School of Economics presented reports.
Discussions focussed on organising and implementing monitoring of the quality of service provision on a regional level and shaping skills and knowledge in representatives of regional executive authorities.
IPAMM specialists present reports at the training seminar ‘Assessing the effectiveness of public bodies: methods and world practice’
On 27-29 July 2011, as part of the 003 Budgetary Programme Further education courses for public servants, involving foreign teachers, a training seminar was held at the Public Administration Academy under the President of Kazakhstan on Assessing the effectiveness of public bodies: methods and world practice. Scholars from Russia Vladimir Eliseenko and Nikolai Klishch, Candidate of Economics, were invited to appear at the seminar as specialists.