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Цвет в пространственных искусствах и дизайне (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Цветовой код в традиционных росписях деревянной архитектуры Кореи танчхон.
IX МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ТЕОРИИ И ИСТОРИИ ИСКУССТВА (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Искусствоведение и искусство Кореи в XX-XXI вв.: наследие, проблемы, перспективы.
Strange Korean Parallels 2020 (Хельсинки). Presentation: Life and art of Kim Chŏnghŭi (1786-1856) represented in his Chinese doubles
Strange Korean Parallels 2019 (Хельсинки). Presentation: Game of churches: switching “religion” as a part of dynastic change: Orthodox Christianity in USSR and Buddhism in Chosŏn Korea.
Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention (KSGSC 2018) (Рим). Presentation: Tea and Lantern: life and oeuvre of Seon Buddhist monk Ch’oŭi草衣(1786 - 1866)
Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention (KSGSC 2017) (Тюбинген). Presentation: Defning Buddhism infuences in Ch'usa Kim Chŏnghŭii's (1786 - 1856) life and artwork
Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention (KSGSC 2013) (Хельсинки). Presentation: Speaking out unspeakable: some observatons on Kim Jeonghyi’s (1786–1856) “Orchid”
Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention (KSGSC 2012) (Варшава). Presentation: Synthesis of arts in Kim Jeonghyi’s (1786 – 1856) ‘Winter Landscape’ (Sehan-do)
Employment history
since 2018 - Lecturer at Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Department of the Far East and South-East Asia NRU HSE
2016-2018 - Lecturer at Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, RSUH: Korean language, Chinese characters in Korean language. Also Korean language instructor at Moscow State University