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Address: 28/11 Shabolovka Ulitsa, Building 9, room 1122
SPIN-RSCI: 3135-5187
ORCID: 0000-0002-3483-1078
ResearcherID: H-9426-2015
Scopus AuthorID: 6602102357
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Gennadiy Brodetskiy

  • Tenured Professor (2018)
  • Gennadiy Brodetskiy has been at HSE University since 2002.

Education, Degrees and Academic Titles

Doctor of Sciences* in System Analysis, Management and Information Processing
Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics
Degree in Mathematics
Shevchenko Kyiv State University
* Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

  • 1998 - German Academy of Management of Lower Saxony, Celle, Germany, internship in the field of: "Entwicklung und Inhalt von Studienprogrammen Anpassung von Hochschullehrprogrammen an die Bedürfnisse entsprechender Unternehmen Güterabnahme, Lagerwirtschaft und Sortierung von Waren in Transportunternehmen Organisation der Schichtarbeit sowie des Arbeitstag-Ablaufs in Transportunternehmen Lagerwirtschaft im Vergleich zu "Just in time"-Lieferungen Fachorientierte Betriebserkundungen"
  • 2006 - National Research University "Higher School of Economics", HSE MCL, internship in the field of "Optimization of logistics systems"
  • 2010 - State University-Higher School of Economics, Institute for Advanced Training of Civil Servants, program "Psychological and pedagogical training of higher school teachers"
  • 2011 - National Research University "Higher School of Economics", HSE MCL, internship in the field of "Optimization of inventory management systems"
  • 2019 - National Research University Higher School of Economics, advanced training in the field of "Rules for the organization of the educational process by HSE teachers"
  • 2023 - National Institute of Innovative Education, advanced training in the field of Logistics of international cargo deliveries

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Letter of Thanks from the Rector of the Higher School of Economics (December 2021)
    Medal "Recognition - 15 years of successful work" of the HSE (October 2018)
    Gratitude of the Higher School of Economics (March 2017)
    Diploma of the Higher School of Economics (July 2015)
    Gratitude of the Higher School of Economics (December 2012)
    Diploma of the winner of the competition "Teacher of the Logistics Department of the Faculty of Management - 2010" (November 2010)
    Diploma of the International Logistics Forum 2007 - "For scientific achievements" (October 2007)
    Knight of the Order "For Diligence for the Good of the Fatherland" (October 2007)
    Winner of the International Competition "For the Good of the Fatherland" in the nomination for scientific achievements in the field of logistics (October 2007)
    Commendation of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation (December 2006)

    Allowance for academic achievements and contribution to the scientific reputation of the Higher School of Economics (2009-2011, 2007-2009)

    Allowance for academic work (2017-2018, 2015-2016, 2014-2015, 2013-2014, 2012-2013, 2011-2012, 2006-2007)

    Premium for an article in a foreign peer-reviewed scientific publication (2016-2017)

  • Best Teacher — 2014–2018, 2012