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Ramon Antonio Rodriges Zalipynis

  • Ramon Antonio Rodriges Zalipynis has been at HSE University since 2015.

Education and Degrees

  • 2013

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)

  • 2008

    Donetsk National Technical University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Awards and Accomplishments

Best Teacher – 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers under 30" (2016-2017)


VLDB 2018 (Very Large Data Bases)

The only talk with Russian Affiliation at VLDB for the last 10 years (2009–2018) and the first talk from the Higher School of Economics.


SIGMOD 2019 (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data)

This is the 7th paper at SIGMOD with Russian affiliation for all the years of the SIGMOD conference (1975 – 2019, 45 years) and the first from the Higher School of Economics.


VLDB 2020 (Very Large Data Bases)

This is the 2nd paper at VLDB with Russian affiliation for the last 10 years (2010–2020) and the 2nd paper from the Higher School of Economics (please, see the info about the 1st paper above).



SIGMOD 2021 (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data)

The 3rd paper at SIGMOD for all the years of the SIGMOD conference (1975–2021, 47 years), where the first author is from a Russian institution. This is also the 10th paper at SIGMOD, where at least one author is from a Russian institution for all the years of the SIGMOD conference. This is the 2nd paper from the HSE University (please, check the first paper above).

The paper presents a novel Research & Development direction in the area of Array DBMS

VLDB 2021 (Very Large Data Bases)

The 1st Tutorial from a Russian institution at VLDB. Talk duration: 90 minutes (1.5 hours). The Tutorial is in the main conference program. Only 8 tutorials are accepted to VLDB 2021.


Course video presentations


Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Selected conferences

VLDB 2018

VLDB is a top conference in the area of Big Data, Distributed Systems and Databases.

The only talk with Russian Affiliation at VLDB for the last 10 years (20092018) and the first talk from the Higher School of Economics.


ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) is a top conference on Management of Data and Databases.

This is the 7th paper at SIGMOD with Russian affiliation for all the years of the SIGMOD conference (1975 – 2019, 45 years) and the first from the Higher School of Economics.

VLDB 2020

VLDB is a top conference in the area of Big Data, Distributed Systems and Databases.

The 2nd paper with Russian Affiliation at VLDB for the last 10 years (2010–2020) and the 2nd paper from the Higher School of Economics (please, see the info about the first paper above).


ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) is a top conference on Management of Data and Databases.

The 3rd paper at SIGMOD for all the years of the SIGMOD conference (1975–2021, 47 years), where the first author is from a Russian institution. This is also the 10th paper at SIGMOD, where at least one author is from a Russian institution for all the years of the SIGMOD conference. This is the 2nd paper from the HSE University (please, check the first paper above).

The paper presents a novel Research & Development direction in the area of Array DBMS.

VLDB 2021

VLDB is a top conference in the area of Big Data, Distributed Systems and Databases.

The 1st Tutorial from a Russian institution at VLDB. Talk duration: 90 minutes (1.5 hours). The Tutorial is in the main conference program. Only 8 tutorials are accepted to VLDB 2021.

My DBLP and ACM DL Profiles


IEEE Collabratec Profile






Article Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. BitFun: Fast Answers to Queries with Tunable Functions in Geospatial Array DBMS // PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 12. P. 2909-2912. doi






Chapter Rodriges Zalipynis R. A., Ivashchuk O., Konstantinov I. Modern Information Technologies in Environmental Sciences: Climate Wikience, in: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). IEEE, 2015. P. 593-597.


Chapter Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. Ecologic assessment of air pollution by nitrogen dioxide over the territory of Europe using Earth remote sensing data, in: Научные труды Донецкого национального технического университета. Серия: информатика, кибернетика и вычислительная техника Issue 1 (19). Donetsk : Донецкий национальный технический университет, 2014. P. 126-130.


Chapter Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. The place of Ukraine in Europe according to the level of air pollution using Earth remote sensing data, in: Proceedings of IV All-Ukrainian Congress of Ecologists with International Participation. Винница : -, 2013. P. 130-132.


Chapter Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. Representing Earth remote sensing data as time series, in: Научные труды Донецкого национального технического университета. Серия: системный анализ и информационные технологии в науках о природе и обществе Issue 1(2)–2(3). Donetsk : Донецкий национальный технический университет, 2012. P. 135-145.


Chapter Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. ChronosServer: real-time access to “native” multi-terabyte retrospective data warehouse by thousands of concurrent clients, in: Научные труды Донецкого национального технического университета. Серия: информатика, кибернетика и вычислительная техника Issue 14 (188). Donetsk : Донецкий национальный технический университет, 2011. P. 151-161.


  • 2023
    The 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Vancouver). Presentation: FastMosaic in Action: A New Mosaic Operator for Array DBMSs
  • 2022
    The 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Sydney). Presentation: WebArrayDB: A Geospatial Array DBMS in Your Web Browser
  • The 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Sydney). Presentation: SimDB in Action: Road Traffic Simulations Completely Inside Array DBMS
  • 2021
    ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management of Data (Xi'an, Shaanxi). Presentation: Convergence of Array DBMS and Cellular Automata: A Road Traffic Simulation Case
  • Russian Supercomputing Days (Moscow). Presentation: First Results of Performance Evaluation of Geospatial Raster Data Processing Systems
  • The 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Copenhagen). Presentation: Array DBMS: Past, Present, and (Near) Future
  • 2020
    The 46th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Tokyo). Presentation: BitFun: Fast Answers to Queries with Tunable Functions in Geospatial Array DBMS
  • 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2020) (Paris). Presentation: Towards Machine Learning in Distributed Array DBMS: Networking Considerations
  • 2019
    ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management of Data (Amsterdam). Presentation: ChronosDB in Action: Manage, Process, and Visualize Big Geospatial Arrays in the Cloud
  • 2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS) (Metz). Presentation: Evaluating Array DBMS Compression Techniques for Big Environmental Datasets
  • 2018
    The 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Рио-де-Жанейро). Presentation: ChronosDB: Distributed, File Based, Geospatial Array DBMS
  • The 7th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks, and Texts (AIST'2018) (Москва). Presentation: Generic Distributed In Situ Aggregation for Earth Remote Sensing Imagery
  • 2017
    Perspectives of System Informatics - 11th International Andrei Ershov Informatics Conference, PSI 2017 (Moscow). Presentation: Distributed In Situ Processing of Big Raster Data in the Cloud
  • Russian Supercomputing Days (Moscow). Presentation: Retrospective Satellite Data in the Cloud: An Array DBMS Approach

  • 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2017) (Bucharest). Presentation: Array DBMS in Environmental Science: Sea Surface Height Data in the Cloud
  • Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts. 6th International Conference, AIST 2017 (Moscow). Presentation: Satellite Imagery and Array DBMS: Towards Big Raster Data in the Cloud

  • 2016

    Russian Supercomputing Days (Москва). Presentation: In-situ processing of big raster data with command line tools

  • Четырнадцатая Всероссийская открытая конференция "Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса" (Москва). Presentation: Передача, 3D визуализация и анализ данных дистанционного зондирования Земли и реанализа климата на регулярных широтно-долготных сетках

  • Четырнадцатая Всероссийская открытая конференция "Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса" (Москва). Presentation: WRRS (Web Raw Raster Service): прототип нового сетевого протокола для передачи сырых растровых данных в Интернет браузеры

  • 2015

    Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS) (Варшава). Presentation: Modern Information Technologies in Environmental Sciences: Climate Wikience

  • 2013

    IV All-Ukrainian Congress of Ecologists with International Participation (Винница). Presentation: The place of Ukraine in Europe according to the level of air pollution using Earth remote sensing data

  • 2011

    VII международная науч.-техн. конф. «Информатика и компьютерные технологии» (Донецк). Presentation: The Wikience: Community Data Science. Concept and Implementation

Climate Wikience

Climate Wikience — free software for fast 3D visualization and analysis of climate reanalysis and gridded Earth remote sensing data.

Web site: http://www.wikience.org


ChronosServer Data Flow

ChronosServer is the backend of Climate Wikience. It runs on the high performance computer cluster and manages large volumes of climate data. ChronosServer delivers data over Internet in near realtime to your PC for 3D visualization in Climate Wikience and analysis in R.

Web page: http://www.wikience.org/chronosserver/

Climate Wikience Brochure

Employment history

Work experience: information

How the Faculty of Computer Science Switched Online

From March 17, HSE University has made all classes online. Here’s how the Faculty was able to do that, as well as celebrate Faculty’s birthday, talk to prospective students, and develop a new YouTube channel.