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Bachelor 2020/2021

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Type: Compulsory course (Business Informatics)
Area of studies: Business Informatics
When: 3 year, 1 module
Mode of studies: offline
Instructors: Natalia Milovantseva, Gulnara Afruzovna Minnigaleeva
Language: English
ECTS credits: 3
Contact hours: 30

Course Syllabus


The significance of a concept that business enterprises have numerous responsibilities beyond that of making profits has been growing in the last decade. This course explores business ethics and corporate social and environmental responsibilities from a multi‐stakeholder perspective and in the context of complex forces that are transforming economies and industries. We will emphasize the social, environmental and ethical responsibilities of today’s businesses to both external and internal stakeholder groups. Against a backdrop of theories, it will consider a diverse set of viewpoints and practices faced by managers and organizations with an emphasis on their implications for business, society and environment. The objective is to help students understand corporate ethical and social responsibility issues that they will confront in their careers and develop skills to think critically about how these issues can be resolved in today’s professional environment. Through course readings, in-class discussions and personal reflection students will reveal their ethical intuition and assess practical business cases. As a result of participating in Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, students will be able to describe how to use principles of business ethics and corporate social responsibility for creating sustainable values and shared prosperity.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Introduce students to the principles of business ethics and corporate social responsibility for creating sustainable values and shared prosperity
  • Enable students to learn how effective business decision makers can balance and protect the interests of various stakeholders, including investors, employees, consumers, the community, and the environment
  • Facilitate developing a deep understanding of the importance of business ethics and corporate social and environmental responsibilities from a multi‐stakeholder perspective in the context of complex forces that are transforming economies and industries today
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze the key implications for managers of the following ethical issues: infant formula controversy, Bhopal tragedy, factory collapses, sweatshops, and human rights abuses.
  • Discuss how surveillance is a new dimension to being a consumer and an employee and what its implications are for stakeholders.
  • Explain how social media have changed the world of business and technology.
  • Identify, explain, and illustrate three models of management ethics.
  • Analyze economic, legal, and ethical aspects of a decision by using a Venn model.
  • Explain the strategic management process and the role that sustainability reports and integrated reports play in the process.
  • Describe the major categories of risk and some of the factors that have characterized risk management in actual practice.
  • Distinguish between risk management, issue management, and crisis management.
  • Compare and contrast the shareholder-primacy and the director-primacy models of corporate governance. What are their strengths and weaknesses? Which do you prefer and why?
  • Link the issue of legitimacy to corporate governance.
  • Explain major concepts in effective stakeholder management to include stakeholder thinking, stakeholder culture, stakeholder management capability, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Explain who business’s stakeholders are in primary and secondary terms. Identify and explain the three values of the stakeholder model.
  • Identify origins of the stakeholder concept by explaining what a stake is and what a stakeholder is.
  • Differentiate between and among corporate citizenship, social responsibility, social responsiveness, social performance, and sustainability.
  • Explain how corporate social responsibility (CSR) evolved and encompasses economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic components.
  • Explain sources and underlying principles of the employee rights.
  • Characterize the loss of jobs in the contexts of offshoring, reshoring, and plant closings.
  • Discuss business environmentalism sustainability goals, and the future of the business/environment relationship.
  • Identify and discuss the issues that arise for businesses in their responsibility for the environment and sustainability.
  • Discuss the two major product issues: quality and safety.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Business, Society, and Stakeholders
    The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a Concept. Traditional Arguments against and for CSR. Ages and Stages of CSR. CSR Greenwashing. Political CSR. Corporate Social Responsiveness. Corporate Social Performance. Corporate Citizenship. The Social Performance and Financial Performance Relationship. Sustainability—Profits, People, Planet. Socially Responsible, Sustainable, Ethical Investing. Origins of the Stakeholder Concept. Who Are Business’s Stakeholders? Stakeholder Approaches. Three Values of the Stakeholder Model. Stakeholder Management Five Key Questions. Effective Stakeholder Management. Strategic Steps Toward Global Stakeholder Management.
  • Corporate Governance
    Legitimacy and Corporate Governance. Problems in Corporate Governance. Improving Corporate Governance. The Role of Shareholders. Shareholder Activism. Investor Relations and Shareholder Engagement. An Alternative Model of Corporate Governance. Strategic Management and Corporate Public Policy. Four Key Strategy Levels. The Strategic Management Process. Public Affairs as a Part of Strategic Management. The Corporate Public Affairs Function Today. The Relationship between Risk, Issue, and Crisis Management.
  • Business Ethics and Leadership
    The Public’s Opinion of Business Ethics. Business Ethics: Some Basic Concepts. Ethics, Economics and Law—A Venn Model. Three Models of Management Ethics. Making Moral Management Actionable. Developing Moral Judgment. Elements of Moral Judgment. The New World of Big Data. Technology and the Technological Environment. Characteristics of Technology. Technology and Ethics. Information Technology. Biotechnology. Business Challenges in a Global Environment. Ethical Issues in the Global Business Environment. Improving Global Business Ethics.
  • External and Internal Stakeholders Issues
    Two Central Consumer Issues: Quality and Safety. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Business Response to Consumer Stakeholders. Customer Service Programs. Total Quality Management Programs. Six Sigma Strategy and Other Process. The Sustainability Imperative. The Natural Environment. A Brief Introduction to the Natural Environment. The Impact of Business on the Natural Environment. Responsibility for and Sustainability Environmental Issues. The Role of Governments in Environmental and Sustainability Issues. Other Environmental and Sustainability Stakeholders. Business Environmentalism and Sustainability. The Future of Business: Greening and/or Growing? Community Involvement. Corporate Philanthropy or Business Giving. Detrimental Impacts on Communities. Employee Engagement. Employee rights.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Контрольная работа (КР)
    In-class written midterm test covering course material of the first half of the course.
  • non-blocking Работа на семинаре
    Students may earn maximum of 25 points for each seminar (5 points for attendance + 20 points for participating in class activities). Only 4 best scores will be used in computing the grade. Evaluation will be done by peers. Peer-evaluators earn 5 points for their work.
  • blocking Экзамен (Э)
    Examination date and time: October 23, 2020. Exam will begin at 11:10. Exam’s length is 120 minutes. Examination format: The exam is written in a short essays format with asynchronous proctoring. Asynchronous proctoring means that all student's actions during the exam will be “watched” by the computer. The exam process is recorded and analyzed by artificial intelligence and a human (proctor). Please be careful and follow the instructions clearly! The platform: The exam is conducted on the StartExam platform. StartExam is an online platform for conducting test tasks of various levels of complexity. The link to pass the exam task will be available to students in the RUZ. The computers must meet the following technical requirements: https://eduhseru-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/vsukhomlinov_hse_ru/EUhZkYaRxQRLh9bSkXKptkUBjy7gGBj39W_pwqgqqNo_aA?e=fn0t9N A student is supposed to follow the requirements below: Prepare identification documents (а passport opened on a page with name and photo) for identification before the beginning of the examination task; Check your webcam and Internet connection (we recommend connecting your computer to the network with a cable, if possible); Prepare pens, pencils, and pieces of clean paper if you want to take notes for your answers. Disable applications on the computer's task other than the browser that will be used to log in to the StartExam program, except: English language dictionary. If one of the necessary requirements for participation in the exam cannot be met, a student is obliged to inform a program manager 7 days before the exam date to decide on the student's participation in the exams. Important rules: All rules are available in exam regulations using asynchronous proctoring technology in the framework of intermediate certification. Additional rules: Use of headphones of any type is not allowed. You are allowed to have a one page of your own written notes, sized A4, one-sided. Connection failures: A short-term connection failure during the exam is considered to be the loss of a student's network connection with the StartExam platform for no longer than 5 minutes per exam. A long-term connection failure during the exam is considered to be the loss of a student's network connection with the StartExam platform for longer than 5 minutes per exam and will be the basis for the decision to terminate the exam. In case of long-term connection failure in the StartExam platform during the examination task, the student must record the fact of connection failure (screenshot, a response from the Internet provider). Then contact the program manager with an explanatory note about the incident to decide on retaking the exam. Instructors reserve the right to curve exam grades.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (1 module)
    0.3 * Контрольная работа (КР) + 0.2 * Работа на семинаре + 0.5 * Экзамен (Э)


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Ralph Tench, William Sun, & Brian Jones. (2014). Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility : Perspectives and Practice: Vol. First edition. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Schwartz, M. S. (2017). Business Ethics : An Ethical Decision-Making Approach. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1470324

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Camilleri, M. A., Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., Watkins, R., & Maon, F. (2018). Unlocking corporate social responsibility communication through digital media ; Communicating corporate social responsibility in the digital era. Routledge.
  • Chen, J., Dong, W., Tong, Y., & Zhang, F. (2020). Corporate philanthropy and corporate misconduct: Evidence from China. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iref.2019.09.002
  • Ciulla, J. B., Edward Elgar Publishing, & Scharding, T. K. (2019). Ethical Business Leadership in Troubling Times. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • International Finance Corporation. (2015). Environmental and Social Management System Toolkit.
  • OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals. (2013).
  • SHAVIN, C. (2019). Unlocking the Potential of the New OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Business Conduct. Business and Human Rights Journal, 1, 139.