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Film, Images & Historical Interpretation in the 20th Century: The Camera Never Lies

Type: Mago-Lego
When: 3 module
Online hours: 20
Open to: students of one campus
Instructors: Alina Mikhaylenko
Language: English
ECTS credits: 4
Contact hours: 6

Course Syllabus


This course is a short taster on the topic of the use of Images, Film, and their use in historical interpretation in the 20th century. It is primarily provided for those who have a general interest in history that draws on photojournalism as primary evidence, and films based on historical events. This discipline is based on MOOC "Film, Images & Historical Interpretation in the 20th Century: The Camera Never Lies”, created by University of London via CourseEra. (link - https://www.coursera.org/learn/film-images)