
Deep Learning
Compulsory course (Data Science and Business Analytics)
Area of studies:
Applied Mathematics and Information Science
Delivered by:
Big Data and Information Retrieval School
Faculty of Computer Science
3 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course is dedicated to studying deep learning, which is the most rapidly developing field of machine learning. The course attendees will learn what kinds of machine learning tasks can be solved using neural networks and what types of neural networks are currently in use. The course has a clear practical focus, students will have to train neural networks on the various frameworks using the Python programming language. The course also covers tasks related to images and texts.
Learning Objectives
- The course aims to help students to develop an understanding of the principles, algorithms, and applications of deep learning.
- The course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to apply deep learning techniques to solve real-world problems.
- The course focuses on developing a theoretical foundation in deep learning, as well as practical experience in implementing and experimenting with deep learning models.
- The course aims to expose students to the latest advances and research in deep learning, and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the context of deep learning.
- The aim of the course is to prepare students for any careers where deep learning techniques are increasingly being used.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Knows basic types tasks solved with using deep learning. Is developing architecture, implements, trains and produces optimization neural parameters networks. Solves applied tasks from various areas with using deep learning.
- Understand the key computations underlying deep learning, use them to build and train deep neural networks, and apply it to computer vision.
- Student are aware of basic concepts and can use Python for NLP deep lerning: recurrent neural networks, convolutional networks, pooling, attention mechanism, transformer.
- Students are aware of basic concepts of deep learning: tensor, model weighs, layers, various activation functions, loss function and metrics, optimization methods, softmax and crossentropy, dropout, batches, stochastic gradient decent, epoch, batch normalization.
- Learn the operation and training of neural networks, and their relation to deep learning
- Learn the basic concepts and uses of reinforcement learning algorithms
- Can create and use convolutional neural networks
- Having completed the topic, students should be able to understand the basic concepts of Bayesian inference.
- Having completed the topic, students should be able to identify its differences from Frequentist Inference in point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing and prediction.
Course Contents
- Bayesian Inference
- Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
- Linear Neural Networks for Regression
- Linear Neural Networks for Classification
- Multilayer Perceptrons
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Modern Convolutional Neural Networks
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Modern Recurrent Neural Networks
- Attention Mechanisms and Transformers
- Optimization Algorithms
- Computer Vision
- Natural Language Processing
- Reinforcement Learning
- Generative Adversarial Networks
Assessment Elements
- Home assignmentsHome assignments. The grade for the current category is calculated as cumulative from the beginning of the course.
- QuizzesThe grade for the current category is calculated as cumulative from the beginning of the course.
- ParticipationThe grade for the current category is calculated as cumulative from the beginning of the course.
- Midterm TestThese are individualized, timed, (possibly) proctored and otherwise constrained tests to prevent cheating. In general, expect 60 questions in 60 minutes, some of which you may will have seen in quizzes. The assessment of the test is based on the marking scheme that comes with the exam assignment. Each problem and their sub parts are worth a certain number of points, the sum of these points is equal to 100, which is the maximum grade for the exam on the 100 point scale. The student is awarded the assigned number of points for the correct answer to each part of the question and partial credit may also be awarded.
- ExamThese are individualized, timed, (possibly) proctored and otherwise constrained tests to prevent cheating. In general, expect 60 questions in 60 minutes, some of which you may will have seen in quizzes. The assessment of the exam is based on the marking scheme that comes with the exam assignment. Each problem and their sub parts are worth a certain number of points, the sum of these points is equal to 100, which is the maximum grade for the exam on the 100 point scale. The student is awarded the assigned number of points for the correct answer to each part of the question and partial credit may also be awarded.
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 4th module0.2 * Exam + 0.3 * Home assignments + 0.2 * Midterm Test + 0.1 * Participation + 0.2 * Quizzes