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English for General Academic Purposes. Advanced Course - 2

Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Type: Optional course
When: 3, 4 module
Open to: students of one campus
Instructors: Olga V. Burenkova, Daria Chikhacheva, Liudmila Gagarina, Natalia V. Katasonova, Evgeniya Kim, Victoria Kosheleva, Maxim Kviatkovskii, Natalia Mishustina, Elena Yurievna Mostacheva, Tatyana Nurgaleeva, Maria Pronina, Першина Дарья Станиславовна
Language: English
ECTS credits: 5
Contact hours: 80

Course Syllabus


The programme «English for General Academic Purposes. Advanced Course – 2», designed for the 1st year students, develops foreign-language communicative and integrated and critical thinking skills that are based on "Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments of Students at National Research University Higher School of Economics" and "Concept of development of English-language communicative competence HSE students". The purpose of the course is to consolidate students’ knowledge and awareness of academic discourse, language structures, and lexis. The main focus will be on the development of productive (writing and speaking) and receptive (reading) skills in academic settings.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The objectives of the course are: - to offer intensive practice in the use of Academic English in all four skill areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing); - to guide students from the outset in the acquisition of effective study methods, sound academic skills, higher-order thinking and problem-solving, and critical thinking; - to support students in taking responsibility for their learning and becoming increasingly independent learners; - to increase student’s comprehension of spoken English; - to strengthen student’s speaking and writing skills in a range of different disciplines; - to raise awareness of register in language (non-academic versus academic, formal versus informal); - to learn strategies and techniques necessary in producing cohesive and coherent academic texts; - to expand academic vocabulary; - to provide material for the students to revise, consolidate and extend their command of English grammar and vocabulary; - to develop the students’ reading skills to enable them to skim the text for main idea, to scan the text for specific information, to interpret the text for inferences, attitudes and styles, to deduce meanings from the context; - to develop the students’ listening skills to enable them to understand and apply specific information from the input; - to develop the students’ general capacity to a level that enables them to use English in their professional and academic environment granted that they are provided with the specific notions and vocabulary in the course of their studies.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • To form skills of note-taking
  • To form understanding of text structure
  • To develop understanding of lectures and learning context
  • To develop skills in writing a summary
  • To develop skills in writing essays (opinion, discussion)
  • To form understanding of text structure
  • To produce monologues ( descriptive/informative/argumentative/persuasive speech)
  • To recognise and follow different types of academic listening input
  • To produce monologues (informative/descriptive/reasoning)
  • To read authentic academic texts on different disciplines
  • To develop skills of using reading techniques of skimming and scanning (predicting, understanding main ideas, understanding details)
  • To listen to different lectures for following structured note-taking tasks and completing exercises
  • To develop skills of using different listening techniques (listening for gist, listening for details, listening for specific information)
  • To produce monologues (informative/argumentative)
  • To participate in dialogues/discussions on academic topics
  • To develop linguistic competence
  • To speak (present, discuss) on different academic issues
  • To produce informative presentations
  • To develop skills of writing a paragraph
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Unit 1. Money and commerce
  • Unit 2. Earth Science
  • Unit 3. Medieval Culture
  • Unit 4. Materials Engineering
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Final Assessment (FA)
    The interim exam lasts 70 minutes. The exam is written paper-and-pen test and is aimed at checking whether the student can demonstrate the acquisition of the learning objectives set. The exam consists of two parts, i.e. Reading and Writing. 1. Reading (R) Max. 10 points. Students have no more than 20 minutes to complete the Reading part. Read the text. Possible reading tasks: • Correct option for each task (multiple choice). • Fill in the gaps (gap-filling). • Decide whether the statement is True, False or Not Given. 2. Writing (W) Write an essay on one of the topics given. Max. 10 points. Students should write a 250-word essay. Students have 50 minutes to complete the Writing part. Reading test is assessed as a part of a final work according to the formula R* 0.4 + W*0.6 = 10. Each correct answer is worth one point. Answers containing spelling mistakes are considered incorrect. Writing is assessed against the criteria. The release of examination papers: during the session.
  • non-blocking Written Assessment (WA)
    Written assessment includes: min 1 reading test, min 1 listening test, min 2 writing tests (essay and paragraph), min 3 vocabulary and grammar tests
  • non-blocking Oral Assessment (OA)
    Oral assessment includes a monologue on a given topic, a presentation and a discussion.
  • non-blocking Independent Work Assessment (IWA)
    Independent work assessment includes work during the seminars, homework, online work.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 4th module
    0.3 * Final Assessment (FA) + 0.25 * Independent Work Assessment (IWA) + 0.2 * Oral Assessment (OA) + 0.25 * Written Assessment (WA)


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • 50 steps to improving your academic writing : study book, Sowton, C., 2012
  • Academic Vocabulary in Use : 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice, Self-study and classroom use, 4th ed., 176 p., McCarthy, M., O'Dell, F., 2010
  • Academic vocabulary in use. 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use, McCarthy M., O'Dell F., 2011
  • Academic Writing Skills 3, Student's Book, 140 p., Chin, P., Reid, S., Wray, S., Yamazaki, Y., 2014
  • Cambridge Academic English : Advanced : Class Audio CD, An integrated skills course for EAP, Course consultant M. McCarthy, 1 оптич. диск (Class Audio CD), Hewings, M., 2012
  • Cambridge academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP : Advanced. Student's book, Hewings M., 2012
  • Cambridge academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP [Звукозапись] : Advanced. Class audio CD, Hewings M., 2012
  • University success: oral communication : advanced, Cavage, C., 2018

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • A sequence for academic writing, Behrens, L., 2005
  • Academic and educational development : research, evaluation, changing practice in higher education, Macdonald R., Wisdom J., 2002
  • Academic discourse : English in a global context, Hyland, K., 2009
  • Academic vocabulary in use, McCarthy, M., 2010
  • Advanced grammar and vocabulary : student's book, Skipper, M., 2007


  • Antonova Iuliia Vladimirovna