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Canada’s Participation in International Economic Integration Processes: Current Situation and Prospects

Student: Mikhaleva Anastasiya

Supervisor: Vasily Ivanovich Sokolov

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

This paper provides an insight into the current situation and prospects of economic integration between Canada and several directions such as NAFTA, Asian and Pasific regioner, Latin America, and recently signed CETA Canada-EU, which is one of the most encompassing and comprehensive free trade agreements in the world. This research examines the current state of Canada trade relationship in those areas and factors that determine it. This paper discusses the type and scope of the Canada's reached free-trade agreements as well as the benefits obtained and the criticisms that exist. Conducted predominantly from a Canadian perspective, the research aims at analyzing integration processes of Canada and determining its potential benefits and weaknesses. The thesis of the present research is worded as follows: Despite the fact that NAFTA is a very effective union and brings great results to its members, Canada has chosen the way of diversification of its econmic and integration ties, trying to become less dependant on its southern neighbour. The main goal was to prove the thesis through meeting particular tasks:1) to analyze the role of international economic integration in the modern world and to identify the place of Canada in these processes;2)to determine the results of 20-year existance of NAFTA;3)to identify whether the influence of american economy on the economy of Canada has changed;4)to identify the main directions of diversification of Canada's economy;5)to determine the current state and perspectives of the development of integration processes of Canada.To sum up, at the end of my research, based mainly on statistical data I camed to a conclusion that despite the fact that the economic influence of the US on Canadian economy is still very significant, it has become weaker during these 20 years and recently Canada has reached a range free-trade agreements and is currently in the negotiating process with several countries. Different countries, trade unions, based on the experience of interaction of Canada in terms of NAFTA, free-trade agreement with the EU and bilateral free-trade agreements with with countries of Latin America and of Asian and Pasific region, will be able to put into practice the patterns of trade liberalisation and to analyze possible consequences.

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