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  • Previous experience of migration as a factor of integration in the host society (on example migrations experience of migrants from Kyrgyzstan to Moscow)

Previous experience of migration as a factor of integration in the host society (on example migrations experience of migrants from Kyrgyzstan to Moscow)

Student: Kuldina Ekaterina

Supervisor: Christopher Scott Swader

Faculty: Faculty of Sociology

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p><strong>Key words:</strong> <em>migrant integration, factors of integration, migrant experience, migration to Russia, migration from Kyrgyzstan.</em></p><p>The thesis &nbsp;is dedicated to the influence factor &quot;migration before coming to Russia&quot; to integrate into the host society by the example of migrants from the Kyrgyz Republic to Moscow. Research questions are: what types of experiences could be theoretically typologize? on interviews confirmed a impact of experience of the previously migration on the integration of migrants? how the types of experience affect the integration?</p><p>Qualitative analysis is based on the methodology of grounded theory, on materials of 18 biographical semi-structured interviews.</p>

Full text (added June 9, 2014) (369.66 Kb)

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