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Relationship between self-categorization and conformity

Student: Usik Oksana

Supervisor: Elena Agadullina

Faculty: Faculty of Psychology

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>The first part of the proposal introduces the background of the study, states the problem, indicates the professional significance and defines the key terms.</p><p><strong>Background of the study</strong> Our present day life is unthinkable without social influence. Conformity is a type of this process involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit with a group. There have been many experiments in psychology investigating this phenomenon and factors which determine the level of conformity. While the debate over factors of conformity seems to gain popularity it is reveals that additional research seems needed more attention on relationship with other social phenomenon.</p><p>Self-categorization theory provides one analysis of the conditions in which people think about themselves in terms of personal versus group characteristics. SCT is a general theory of interpersonal and intergroup behavior that conceives of the self-concept as fluctuating between personal and social identities. When their personal identity is salient, people conceive of themselves as distinct individuals and focus on individual characteristics. In contrast, when a social identity is salient, people conceive of themselves as interchangeable with other members of the social in-group, and their focus shifts to in-group characteristics.</p><p>This theory is a part of social identity approach which has a strong record of providing fresh perspectives on old phenomena and overturning or qualifying well-worn assumptions about them. It&#39;s possible to find a new perspective on social influence, conformity, and power. From a SCT perspective, the norms of relevant ingroups are a crucial source of information about appropriate ways to think, feel, and act. Through the process of depersonalization, highly identified ingroup members internalize the norms of the group and assume that others have as well.</p><p>Quite a number of scholars and experts have analyzed and discussed this problem, but there is no unified approach to this challenge, so it appears that additional researches seem to be necessary in this field.</p><p><strong>Problem statement. </strong>The main goal of this investigation is to take a closer look at the conceptualisation and measurement of social identification, by trying to distinguish between different aspects of social identification, relating these to specific group features, and investigating them as mediators of conformity behavior. For this reason the general purpose of this study is to define the correlation between self-categorization and conformity behavior.</p><p>To achieve the stated purpose it is necessary to:</p><p>1. Explore literature on this problem;</p><p>2. Classify the theories presented on this topic;</p><p>3. Drafting form of the questions;</p><p>4. Selection of statistical methods of data analysis;</p><p>5. Description of the data;</p><p>6. Interpretation of conclusions based on key hypotheses;</p><p>In addressing the above problems, this study seeks to make contribution to psychological practice.</p><p><strong>The professional significance</strong> of this study explains in what sense the proposed study is worth doing and what contribution it will make to professional knowledge. There is no much literature devoted to the subject matter of the present research. Therefore the study proposed could provide a greater depth of knowledge about previous developments in this field of research. Moreover the results of the current investigation might initiate new research work in this sphere.</p>

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