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Desing and Developing Add-in for LMS WebTutor Enabling Multidimensional Data Analysis

Student: Khalevin Vsevolod

Supervisor: Kirill Gomenyuk

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2016

This graduation paper represents the process of practical problem solution: designing and developing an add-in for lms WebTutor enabling multidimensional data analysis. This add-in was designed to meet the information needs of representatives of corporate learning field. Firstly, the topicality of developing such add-in was stated and the user’s requirements were defined. After that the add-in was designed and developed. This process was based on selected methodology and design tools. Finally, designed solution was deployed and tested on real data.In terms of the structure, this work consists of the prologue, three main chapters and the final part. The main part represents description of design and developing stages, and is divided into thematic paragraphs. Additionally, each stage contains a summary of the work done. Moreover, each stage contains the summary of achieved results. First of all, this work might interest representatives of the corporate learning field with installed lms WebTutor on their servers. Additionally , this work might interest analysts and IT-specialists engaged in the development and support of data warehouses and BI-systems.

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