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Comprehensive Assessment of Telecommunication Network's Quality Considering Individual Interests of Customers

Student: Maklakova Alena

Supervisor: Dmitry E. Shaposhnikov

Faculty: Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod)

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2016

The research is devoted to calculating incoming traffic speed in order to study possible application of network threading models for decision-making on the necessity for data transmission networks’ (DTN) modification. The problem of the study is based on the statement that providers and marketing specialists are to conduct strategic planning in order to maintain high quality of service. Unlike the classical algorithms for computing the maximum flow in a single drain, the model and the method proposed allow us to determine the final rate estimates for the minimum available speed of the incoming traffic among all subscribers. The benefits of the approach considered could lead to better estimates of a DTN work quality. Moreover, a practical study on the efficiency of the new algorithm has been carried out. Current investigations are intended to be easily adopted for practical purposes: on the basis of the results obtained, a variant of a better DTN technical development planning is provided.

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