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Improving the Strategical Development of Municipal Districts in Leningrad Region

Student: Dremova Regina

Supervisor: Tatiana Vivchar

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Management (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2016

The thesis is aimed at finding the ways to improve the strategic development of the municipal districts in Leningrad Region. The problem is relevant due to the recent changes: there was a decline of macroeconomic indicators and also new focal points of federal and regional policies were set. In order to reach the stated aim, the following objectives were set and then attained: to define the notion of strategic management, to examine the process of strategy generation for municipal districts, to make strategic portraits of Leningrad Region and the municipal districts, to analyze and evaluate the features of development of the districts and its’ current strategic management system by conducting both qualitative and quantitative research, to identify the challenges and problems of strategic development of the districts and to elaborate recommendations to improve it and to overcome the challenges. On the basis of the conducted research, the suggestions on how to improve the strategic development of municipal districts in Leningrad Region were made. It is proposed to establish a non-profit organization called the Fund for Strategic Development of Municipal Districts with several activities: giving an expert support during the process of strategy development and implementation, distributing education to provide municipal bodies with highly-qualified personnel responsible for strategic planning, engaging experts and civil servants into working in project groups on specific cases, and finally, giving lectures and holding open discussions in order to not only exchange experiences and ideas but to find a solution to the challenging issues of strategic development. Hence, the Fund will provide assistance to the municipalities and help them to attain stated goals and objectives of the strategic development in a long run.

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