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The Problem of Excess Capacity in Modern China

Student: Shamaeva Anastasiia

Supervisor: Andrey Vinogradov

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Asian Studies (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2017

Abstract Topic: "The problem of excess capacity in modern China: the attempts of its overcoming under the current leadership" The work performed by the student of group № KM-41 Shamaeva A. V. Department of Eastern Languages The Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs National Research University "Higher School of Economics" Key words: economic system of China, excess capacity, methods of the dealing with excess capacity. The object of study is the problem of excess capacity in China. The subject of this study is assessment of efficiency of measures aimed to address the problem of excess capacity in China. The aim of the work is to study the prospects of overcoming the problem of excess capacity in China. In accordance with its purpose, we have formulated the following tasks: - to consider the nature of the problem of excess capacity in the global economy; - to study the causes and factors of excess capacity; - to explore the genesis of the problem of excess capacity in China; - to analyze main issues aimed to address the problem of excess capacity in China; - to determine the role of international cooperation as the main direction of solving the problem of excess capacity in China; - to note the difficulty of overcoming the problem of excess capacity in China; - to consider the prospects for overcoming of the problem of excess capacity in China. Methodological bases for the study: the basis of this research is based on scientific methods, namely analysis and synthesis, abstraction and analogy, deduction and induction, systemic and integrated approaches, methods of structural, comparative, economic and statistical analysis. The structure of the research consists of introduction, main part (consisting of three chapters), conclusion and list of references. The volume of the qualification work is 63 sheets. Illustrative material includes 5 figures. List of references is 53 names.

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