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Information and Analytical Support of Decision Making in the Field of Governmental Support of Enterprises

Student: Kiseleva Natalia

Supervisor: Dmitry Isaev

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2017

On the one hand, today the role of the state in society is increasing, that leads to the adoption of important decisions on the regulation and support of SMEs. On the other hand, there is an increase in the number of SMEs, which raises government financial support allocation problem. The lack of a common public policy at all levels of governance of the SME lending system also exacerbates the problem of SMEs supporting. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations in the field of information and analytical support for decision-making in the field of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. As a result of the work, first, the role of the SMEs in the social and economic development of the country as a source of jobs and innovative activity has been defined. Secondly, three main problems of SMEs in Russia have been identified: the difficulty of access to financial resources, the instability of state regulation, the high level of administrative barriers and the complexity of the access to sales markets. Thirdly, the existing support of small and medium-sized businesses mechanisms in Russia have been systematized. Fourth, indicators to measure the level of business activity of enterprises have been defined and factors that affect the size of government financial support have been identified: the scope of the enterprise and the month of inclusion in the register. A model that predicts the possibility of obtaining a financial government support depending on the region, size and industry of the company has also been constructed. Finally, the task of choosing a region and industry for a new business of a travel company has been solved on the basis of analysis of hierarchies using the results of regression estimation of probability of government support.

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