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Criminal Law Characteristic of the Organization of the Terrorist Community and Participation in It

Student: Velev Nikita

Supervisor: Irina Nagornaya

Faculty: Faculty of Law

Educational Programme: Jurisprudence (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2017

The purpose of this final qualifying work is to analyze the elements of the crime stipulated in in Art. 205.4 of CC RF, to identify the problems of the qualification of the relevant acts and the problems of the imposition of penalties for their commission. The main objectives of this study are disclosure of the "terrorist community" concept, consideration of sanctions and dispositions of Art. 205.4 of CC RF, consideration of problems arising in law enforcement practice, identification of correlation with other elements of the crime. The object of the study are public relations connected with criminal actions for participation, leading, organization of a terrorist community. The subject of the study is the essence of the crime, manifested in the organization of a terrorist community and participation in it, the norms of the criminal law regulating the responsibility for its commission; and judicial practice. Based on the conducted research, the following conclusions were made: the relevance of this problem is undeniable, because nowadays the issue of fighting against terrorist activity, which has ceased to be a problem only within the state, has become very acute. The analysis of criminal cases involving terrorism shows that a group of individuals commits the majority of such crimes from illegal armed groups. With the appearance in 2013 of Art. 205.4 of CC RF caused many questions in terms of the logics and system of this norm. The term "terrorist community" has many similarities with other concepts and it causes difficulties from the courtside in the qualification of this crime and in the qualification of the related crimes. The practical importance of the work lies in the possibility of using the obtained results for further study of issues relating to crimes of a terrorist nature and in the possibility of eliminating emerging problems and bringing many norms to the common denominator relating to the groups and complicity forms.

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