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  • Student Theses
  • Transmedia Storytelling: the Direction and Design of the Museum Project in the Digital Environment (on the Example of the Concept of «Small Museums of the State Tretyakov Gallery»)

Transmedia Storytelling: the Direction and Design of the Museum Project in the Digital Environment (on the Example of the Concept of «Small Museums of the State Tretyakov Gallery»)

Student: Prokhorova Nadezhda

Supervisor: Anna Kachkayeva

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Multimedia Journalism (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2017

The traditional scheme of communication of museums with the audience cannot meet the needs and habits of modern man in the digital age. The industry faces a new challenge – to change the usual pattern of functioning and to seek new forms of packaging information and a different type of relationship with the actual and potential audience. The existence of museum projects in the digital environment is impossible today without transmedia storytelling. In this paper, on the example of the project «Museums in the neighborhood» (hands. Professor A. G. Kachkaeva) for Small museums the State Tretyakov gallery we analyze the phenomenon of transmedia storytelling in the museum field, and show how it contributes to a digital «extension» of the museum: the creation of multimedia stories about Museum collections, promoting cultural heritage and attract new audiences.

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