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  • HSE University
  • Student Theses
  • Comparative Analysis of Performance of International and Domestic Mergers and Acquisitions of Emerging Market Companies

Comparative Analysis of Performance of International and Domestic Mergers and Acquisitions of Emerging Market Companies

Student: Bumbar Taras

Supervisor: Irina Skvortsova

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2017

Comparative analysis of M&A performance in emerging markets is a highly relevant topic of research. This study is focused on performance of domestic and cross-border M&A in developing capital markets and presents comparative analysis of these two types. The research covers a period of 2008-2016 which allows for comparison of M&A types during and after the recession. Based on a sample of 719 M&A including 176 cross-border deals we found that domestic M&A create more value for acquiring companies in emerging capital markets. We also conclude that M&A performance is influenced by the type of target company's country. With regards to domestic mergers and acquisitions we found three significant determinants: payment method, compatibility of target's and acquirer's industry and size of the acquirer.

Full text (added May 11, 2017)

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