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Fintech Market Analysis and Assessment of its Attractiveness for Venture Capitalists

Student: Kuramshin Shamil

Supervisor: Anna Nenakhova

Faculty: HSE Banking Institute

Educational Programme: Financial Analyst (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2017

Today fintech sphere is rising in popularity. For instance, venture funds, financial, telecommunication and IT corporations are interesting and investing in it, because everybody tries to occupy a new market share. Moreover, national regulators stimulate fintech,that accelerate financial innovations. All this factors creat great opportunities for startups, which are able to be flexible and make a revolution in financial industry. Despite the popularity of the topic, fintech on a purely superficial level in the scientific literature. For a detailed study of the issue in this dissertation, I have used reviews of leading consulting and research companies, publications in the media and an independent analysis of the current situation on the fintech market.

Full text (added May 21, 2017)

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