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  • HSE University
  • Student Theses
  • The Development of a Model Computer Network in the Hotel Complex of International Class for the Regional Center "Optimum-MX"

The Development of a Model Computer Network in the Hotel Complex of International Class for the Regional Center "Optimum-MX"

Student: Chernoglazov Maksim

Supervisor: Vladimir Alexandrovich Filippov

Faculty: HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE)

Educational Programme: Information Science and Computation Technology (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2018

This graduation qualification work is devoted to the development of a typical computer network for the regional center of an international hotel complex. The purpose of this work is to make a model of a computer network that would be efficient safe and profitable for both staff and guests. The developed model is based on the staff-organizational structure of the company and describes logical, physical and program structures of the computer network, also model defines vital technologies for network configuration, a division of the address pool and protocols for the network building. Provided solutions are the most optimal according to the efficiency measurement. The developed model can be used as an example for building the real computer network of the hotel complex, but in case of significant infrastructure growth, model should be complemented with cloud services or data processing and storage centers.

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