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Development of a Model of Social Franchise

Student: Kochkina Natalia


Faculty: Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics

Educational Programme: Management (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2018

This paper is a conceptual study on the essence of social franchising as a business model and form of entrepreneurship. . There is a need for a better understanding of the basics of the phenomenon and clarification of its fundamental meaning. The essence of social franchising as an organizational form with huge potential has been presented. The general purpose of this study is to develop a methodology, through which it will be possible to identify the social orientation in the commercial franchise. To study the issue were chosen the franchise of a foreign language school in Perm, which is called «[ай] LOVE ENGLISH» . Two tasks were set: the development of methodology and analysis of increasing the attractiveness of the franchise «[ай] LOVE ENGLISH» in connection with its social orientation. For their implementation an analysis of foreign experience in the sphere of social franchising was conducted, and also the essence and prospects of this direction described.

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