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Business Processes Synthesis and Analysis Based on the Certain Sections of Mathematics and Control Theory

Student: Kudoyarova Dina

Supervisor: Valentina Sidorenko

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2018

This final qualifying work is devoted to the analysis of risk within the on-demand economy. The study was conducted using the example of Uber. The undertaken research has identified the reasons for the emergence of the risk of discrepancy between the skills of company's employees and the target level. In order to analyse the risk of a situation where the skills of employees in the company do not comply with the targeted indicators, it was decided to create the rankings of taxi drivers, based on the Euclidean distance rating method. Moreover, a logistic regression was applicated in order to build a forecast model. This risk analysis approach allowed to define the factors that influence the occurrence o this risk.

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