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Global Imbalances: The Basis or Threat for Post Bretton-Woods Monetary System?

Student: Semavin Dmitry

Supervisor: Natalia Vladimirovna Orlova

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Financial Markets and Financial Institutions (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2018

The topic of the dissertation is "Global Imbalances: the Basis or Threat for Post Bretton Woods monetary system?". The amount of work is 86 pages, which includes 17 figures and 9 tables. There were used 39 literature sources in the dissertation. This research is devoted to the analysis of global imbalances, the study of their prerequisites and consequences. The object of the study is the Post Bretton Woods monetary system, the subject is global imbalances. The study is conducted to determine the role of global imbalances in the modern international monetary system (IMS). There are four parts in the dissertation. The first chapter examines the theoretical basis of the IMS existence and the IMS evolution in the context of the reasons for its reform. The second chapter is devoted to the definition of global imbalances, the search for their prerequisites and the analysis of the current account balance as a key imbalance. The third chapter shows the relationship between global imbalances and the development of the international economic crisis in 2008. The fourth chapter examines the current trends and changes in the Post Bretton Woods system. As the research result it was illustrated that the growth of global imbalances in the 2000s is connected with the allocation of donor countries and countries-recipients of capital. The analysis of the causes of the crisis of 2008 has showed that global imbalances were the main reason of the IMS destabilization. Keywords. Global imbalances, the Post Bretton Woods monetary system, the current account balance, international currencies, the crisis of 2008.

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