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The Influence of Nationalist Parties in European Countries on the Parliamentary Agenda

Student: Sapsai Ivan

Supervisor: Elena Vandysheva

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Political Science (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2018

This paper examines the role of nationalist parties in the countries of Europe in the process of forming a parliamentary agenda basing on the theory of the agenda-setting theory and the advocacy coalition framework. We identify the main factors and resources that can show the potential of the parties of their impact on the process of setting the agenda of the parliament. After that, we consider on setting the potential of the impact of the selected parties and determine their party agendas. In the final part of the paper we make an attempt of analysis the impact of nationalist parties on the parliamentary agenda of selected countries using the method of topic modeling. However, the analysis is hampered by serious limitations that do not allow us to determine the influence of partes precisely. Despite the restrictions, it showed us that the selected nationalists parties have a significant impact on certain topics related to migration and refugees.

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