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Audiopodcast Creating: From Apply to Post-production (Creative Format)

Student: Akhatova Albina

Supervisor: Anna Kolchina

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Journalism (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2019

The aim of the thesis is to create a series of podcasts for the educational project The Summer School of The Russian Reporter magazine. Podcasts will be useful and interesting for people who go there for the first time and have no experience of camp life, so each series touches on the topics of life, interaction and lifestyle in a summer field camp. Since the thesis is the creation of a media product, the theoretical note tells about the features of the podcast as a format and the process of creating and producing the project, the results and analysis of the them. The created media product was successfully launched at the The Summer School's site .

Full text (added May 3, 2019)

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