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Web Application \"Messenger for Communication with Bank\"

Student: Bikbaev Airat

Supervisor: Rimma Akhmetsafina

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science

Educational Programme: Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2019

In the modern world, almost every adult person had to deal with a bank and communicate with it through physical departments. With the advent of the Internet, it became possible to interact with the bank remotely through the websites. Today there is no need to visit bank branches to make a transfer, open an account or arrange a loan. In this regard, there is a need to create an instant messenger, where bank employees can advise clients on their issues. For online banks, to which Tinkoff Bank belongs, the messenger is the key way for their client to contact the bank due to the absence of physical branches. This article describes the architecture of the instant messenger to communicate with the bank in the online bank Tinkoff. It reports on the role of the messenger in client-bank connection, describes the functional capacity of the existing solution. After analyzing the insufficient technical decisions of the current bank-messenger and reviewing the competing banks, the given article describes a new solution for building the messenger architecture for the entire Tinkoff Bank, which overcomes the complexity of the scalability of the current messenger to any pages of the bank's applications using Iframe technology and Angular framework.

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