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Criminal Law and Morality

Student: Kulakov Pavel

Supervisor: Aleksandr Viktorovich Fedotov

Faculty: Faculty of Law

Educational Programme: Jurisprudence (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2020

The theme of the graduation qualifying work is “Criminal law and morality”. The object of the work is morality and criminal law in their relationship, mutual subordination and interconnection. The subject of graduation qualification work is moral standards and criminal law, as well as situations and issues related to the influence of social institutions on each other, their contradictions to each other. The objectives of the study will be the mechanisms of the influence of moral consciousness of most members of Russian society on changing of the criminal law and determination the mechanisms of influence of moral consciousness of most members of Russian society on the application of criminal law. As part of writing this study, the following goals were set and resolved: - show on examples from the history of domestic criminal law how the change in the moral consciousness of most members of Russian society influenced the change in specific norms of criminal law; - analyze a number of Russian criminal law standards criticized by individual scholars; - determine the need for a high degree of uniformity of enforcement decisions in criminal cases, similar to each other in legally significant circumstances; - determine the need for a high degree of justification and motivation for law enforcement decisions in criminal matters; The methodological basis of scientific research is the empirical (positive) level of research. In addition, the author uses other general scientific methods. This final qualification work consists of an introduction, three chapters, which includes seven paragraphs, conclusion and list of references and literature. The first chapter examines the mutual influence of morality and law, as regulatory regulators of the behavior of members of society. The second chapter describes the influence of morality on the creation, amendment and abolition of criminal law. The third chapter examines the influence of morality on the application of criminal law.

Full text (added May 8, 2020)

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