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The Phenomenology of the Development of Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Student: Blokhina Anna

Supervisor: Veniamin Kolpachnikov

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Counselling Psychology. Personology (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2020

Unconditional self-acceptance (BS) is a fundamental component of the actualization of personal potential, and in this regard, the issue of developing BS becomes extremely urgent. Unconditional self-acceptance means recognition of oneself as a whole organism, respectful attitude to oneself, as to a person capable of one’s free choice. As a result of the phenomenological analysis, the phenomena accompanying the BS development process were identified, such as “desire for growth”, “self-awareness”, ““ mirror observation ”,“ value ”,“ mirror value ”and“ identification with the environment. ”Two types were identified. mechanics of the development process of the BS - natural smooth growth and dynamic growth with “kickbacks.” The direction of further development of research on the development of the BS is discussed.

Full text (added May 29, 2020)

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