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Returns to Education in Russia Under Sample Selection

Student: Sergienko Maria

Supervisor: Bogdan Potanin

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

This paper is the first to compare the returns to master’s and bachelor’s education at the Russian labor market. The returns estimates receipt process is based on the idea of sample selection among those who receive a master's degree. The statistical evidence for the sample selection existence was found by evaluating the switching regression model. The necessary data in this paper is obtained from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE). The key result of the research is the found statistically significant difference in the returns to education for masters and bachelors. In addition, according to the results of the implemented Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, the probable explanation of this distinction in returns may be represented by higher returns on the characteristics that masters have, instead of the idea that individuals with better distribution of characteristics attain the master’s degree.

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