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  • Student Theses
  • The Contribution of Fintech Platforms to the Financial Industry. How Shadow Fintech Models Decentralize Financial Flows and Get out of Control

The Contribution of Fintech Platforms to the Financial Industry. How Shadow Fintech Models Decentralize Financial Flows and Get out of Control

Student: Burkov Ivan

Supervisor: Viktor Viktorovich Ivanov

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

After the crisis of 2007, the new vulnerability of the global financial system became clear, and the development of web technologies helped in part to improve the control of securities turnover – to make it cheaper and more targeted thanks to the development of comprehensive services from social networks to cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning. However, the technologies of distributed registries and smart contracts-blockchain systems challenge the current state of stock exchanges and financial markets. One of their key purposes is to make raising funds easier for borrowers and investors. Examples of this process are various stand-alone crowdfunding platforms, P2B platforms, and the development of a cryptocurrency system. The task of the work is to use the analysis of the distribution model of funds between the official and shadow banking systems to check the presence of a trend and suggest scenarios for potential developments.

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