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Producing and Prototyping a Mobile App for Self-tracking: Business Model

Student: Lukanina Elizaveta

Supervisor: Anna Skorobogatova

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Media Communications (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

Technology, including the Internet, has long been part of modern life. People want to control as many areas of daily life as possible, which is why self-tracking, i.e. tracking activity, health, financial and other indicators, is gaining popularity. The aim of the project is to develop a mobile application for self-tracking with a gamification element in the form of Tamagotchi, which will allow users not to turn self-tracking into a routine, and not to lose motivation on the way to achieve a certain goal. Thus, the work includes a study of the key concepts of the topic of the project, as well as a description of the basic information about the media product. Moreover, this paper describes in detail the business model of the product, sets a specific business goal, as well as describes the approximate costs and revenues of the project for the year ahead. The creative part reflects the result of the work - a prototype of a mobile application.

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