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Development of Laboratory Stand for Studying the Basics of Digital Electronics Control and Diagnostics

Student: Melkov Nikita

Supervisor: Pavel Korolev

Faculty: HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE)

Educational Programme: Infocommunication Technologies and Systems (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2021

Abstract Control and diagnostics of electronic devices everywhere, various enterprises try to check the condition of the devices in a high-quality and timely manner, so as not to lead to breakage. It is important that the methods and process of technical diagnostics of digital electronic components require highly qualified service personnel or complex, expensive diagnostic support. In this paper, we will describe the methods used in the control and diagnostics of electronics, such as the state machine, the dead-end test, the completeness of control, without which it is impossible to design a laboratory stand for the control and diagnostics of electrical equipment. Many scientific sources have conducted research in this area, analyzing the literature and performing analytical and practical tasks. This paper presents an analysis of diagnostic methods and test construction in the field of electronics, the creation and implementation of the design of a laboratory stand. Number of pages 76 Number of words 9546 Number of drawings 52 Number of tables 21 Number of applications 2

Full text (added May 13, 2021)

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