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Surfers’ Experiencing Phenomenology

Student: Poletskaya Svetlana

Supervisor: Vladimir Serkin

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Counselling Psychology. Personology (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

This study was aimed at studying and describing an unknown Russian psychology topic - the phenomenology of surfers' experiences. The relevance and significance of the topic were dictated by the valuable specifics of this phenomenon from the point of view of psychology and the lack of a description of its integral phenomenology. Based on the theoretical analysis of foreign scientific materials, we have formed an idea of ​​the current developments in this direction. Qualitative empirical research was conducted using in-depth interviews with professional surfers. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, the integral phenomenology of surfers 'experiences was refined and described, two versions of models of the phenomenology of surfers' experiences were created. The data obtained was also correlated with previously unheard-of theoretical concepts in connection with the given topic. In addition, several discrepancies between our results and conclusions in existing studies were found and commented on. In conclusion, an extensive list of unresolved and emerging issues and potential directions for further research wasDkflbvb formed.

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