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Puzzle Game Using Three-Dimensional Sections of Four-Dimensional Objects in Unity

Student: Burashnikov Roman

Supervisor: Rimma Akhmetsafina

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science

Educational Programme: Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

Throughout history, people have wondered what 4D objects would look like in our world. However, before the advent of computing, we could only imagine how we could see them. This article will discuss the problems of rendering these objects, as well as the principles of their construction. Finally, it is proposed to create a game in which everyone can see and play with these objects through direct interaction. The purpose of the final qualifying work is to develop a prototype of a real-time game in the quest genre with the ability to change the projection of four-dimensional objects in order to complete levels. In this work, the key elements of game mechanics are implemented: the ability to change the projection of four-dimensional objects, the movement of the character. The result of this work is an application that allows you to go through the levels by interacting with four-dimensional objects, for computers on Windows OS. The software product will allow the user to play on test locations. The work contains 36 pages, 3 chapters, 31 figures, 17 sources, 4 applications.

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