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  • Student Theses
  • Study of the Quality of Network Connections in the Russian Segment of the Internet Based on Measurements of One-way Network Delay

Study of the Quality of Network Connections in the Russian Segment of the Internet Based on Measurements of One-way Network Delay

Student: Solodchenkov Nikolay

Supervisor: Andrei Sukhov

Faculty: HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE)

Educational Programme: Computer Systems and Networks (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2021

This work is devoted to the study of the distribution function of one-way network delay. Techniques, methods, and practical utilities for measuring one-way delay are analyzed. Based on the one-way delay data sets empirical distribution functions were constructed, which served as a basis for modeling. As candidates for the extrapolation of the distribution function, the exponential distribution, the truncated normal distribution, and the combined distribution with varying weight were chosen. Pearson's goodness-of-fit criterion was used as a criterion for the correspondence of theoretical and empirical distributions. It has been shown that the best agreement is obtained for the combined distribution with an alpha coefficient of 0.45. Based on this data, a generating function was built that reproduces the values of one-way network delay for the given values of the minimum and average delay, as well as jitter. The paper describes in detail the software tools that are used to test statistical hypotheses, as well as generate one-way network delay values. This work contains 96 pages. The work uses 18 tables and 53 pictures. During the study, 41 sources were used.

Full text (added May 22, 2021)

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