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English Teaching Chatbot Development

Student: Tagilova Anzhelika

Supervisor: Gulshat Rustamkhanova

Faculty: Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2021

The work English Teaching Chatbot Development by HSE student Tagilova Anzhelika contains a literature review on the topic of chatbot design, describes the process of an English teaching chatbot design, and presents guidlines on how to develop an English teaching chatbot. The work consists of fifty nine pages, including 3 chapters. The first chapter provides an analysis of e-learning principles and a comparative analysis of language learning applications. The second chapter describes the process of an English teaching chatbot design. The third chapter describes how to develop and test an English teaching chatbot. The main part of work has nine tables, fifty five illustrations. The list of references consists of twenty three references. The appendix contains the user's guide and source listing.

Full text (added May 25, 2021)

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