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The Use of Works of Art in Social Advertising

Student: Antyukhin Igor


Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

Visual art in social advertising is a very rare phenomenon, often used for a specific occasion or agenda. At the same time, the two components of this topic in isolation from each other are thoroughly studied using traditional research methods, such as focus groups or surveys. In the case of visual art, there is a large amount of research on its perception in brand advertising and what factors influence the perception of the buyer of a particular product. Coupled with this, within the framework of the study of visual brand communication, there are many studies that look at the visual arts from the point of view of psychology, applying more scientific and experimental approaches to research. Within the framework of social advertising research, the phenomenon itself, its impact on society and the factors that determine the effective use of social advertising are mainly considered. At the same time, within the framework of the discourse on this topic, there are very few works on the perception of the visual part of the advertising message, which indicates that the scientific community is poorly studied (or disinterested) in this aspect of social advertising. Thus, by reuniting the two key concepts together again, there are a sufficient number of gaps in its discussion from the point of view of the perception of the visual part of the ad within the framework of social advertising. In this regard, it is necessary, based on the analysis of the literature, to identify a certain set of factors that will determine the perception of both the visual element of social advertising and the overall correct perception of the message of this ad, and then check the correctness of these factors and their impact on the consumer in the empirical part of the study.

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