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  • Student Theses
  • Migration in an Inter-City Perspective: Highly Skilled Migrants from Post-Socialist Countries and Countries of the Global North in Moscow

Migration in an Inter-City Perspective: Highly Skilled Migrants from Post-Socialist Countries and Countries of the Global North in Moscow

Student: Belichenko Tatyana

Supervisor: Oksana Zaporozhets

Faculty: Faculty of Urban and Regional Development

Educational Programme: Urban Development and Spatial Planning (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

In this master thesis the process of the exploration of Moscow urban space by highly skilled migrants from post-socialist countries and countries of the global North is examined. This study considers migration from an intercity perspective, whereas traditionally migration has been studied from an intercountry perspective. Migration biographies of highly skilled migrants are analyzed in the paper. The result of the work is the determination of how the migration experience and the experiences of highly qualified foreign specialists of living in different cities influence the process of exploration of Moscow.

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