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Study of Small-Scale Structure of Polarization Jet Based on Satellite Data

Student: Sinevich Aleksandr

Supervisor: Alexander Chernyshov

Faculty: Faculty of Physics

Educational Programme: Physics (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

In this master's work, a study of the small-scale structure of a polarization jet (PJ) was carried out using data from the ionospheric satellites NorSat-1 and Swarm during a geomagnetic storm on April 20, 2018. The results of measurements of plasma parameters inside the PJ with a maximum sampling rate of 1 kHz using Langmuir probes onboard NorSat-1 are presented. Also, a comparative analysis of the electron density spectra and the dependence of plasma parameters on the invariant latitude was carried out simultaneously from measurements on the NorSat-1 and Swarm C satellites during the crossing of the PJ by the satellites. As a result of the study, the presence of irregularities in the temperature and concentration of electrons inside PJs with spatial dimensions of tens to hundreds of meters was established. The previously known features of the development of PJs were confirmed, and it was also found that, in the case considered, with the development of geomagnetic activity, the distribution of the electron temperature inside the PJs is divided into two pronounced peaks. Small-scale spatial structures with a size of 0.1°–0.2° were noted inside the PJ, and it was found that they are not local and are stretched according to local magnetic time (MLT) for at least 2 hours. It is shown that, with the development of geomagnetic activity, the role of large-scale effects in PJs increases, and it is demonstrated that fluctuations of plasma parameters increase on all scales within PJs with the development of geomagnetic activity.

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