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  • Student Theses
  • Media Project "Gap Year Russia": Development Of A Communication Strategy For An Educational Project In Social Mediа

Media Project "Gap Year Russia": Development Of A Communication Strategy For An Educational Project In Social Mediа

Student: volkova sofya


Faculty: School of Arts and Humanities

Educational Programme: Media Production and Media Analysis (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2023

Nowadays, in Russia, there is the problem of spontaneous nature of career guidance work in schools and the imbalance between market demands and the system of vocational training of teenagers. After graduation, young people do not know how to design their future, as a result of which they do not work in their specialty. The main mission of the educational media project «GAP YEAR Russia» is to raise awareness of the target audience about the practice of the annual break. In order to get as close to the goal as possible, a communication strategy was developed to recruit 500 subscribers on all 5 platforms for the implementation of the media project: Telegram, VKontakte, YouTube and the LiveJournal and Dzen blogging platforms. Advertising integration tools were tested in related channels, targeted advertising on VKontakte, organic audience recruitment through short videos, and cross-posting. Keywords: communication strategy, gap year, annual break, promotion, social media.

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