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Festival of Short Student Animation (event organization and holding, branding)

Student: Senchukova Dar`ya

Supervisor: Dmitry Kharshak

Faculty: School of Arts and Humanities

Educational Programme: Design (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Animated series of the 2000-2010s have bright villain characters, who are not inferior in popularity to the main positive characters among viewers. They differ in the specificity of their image, manners, and reasons for their behavior. Analysis and comparison of these images in animated series makes it possible to draw up a description of the general image of the cartoon villain of those years and draw conclusions about their popularity. This study reveals the concept of “Trickster”, described using the example of twelve characters from animated series, and reveals the reasons for their actions related to various environmental factors. The study reveals general patterns of behavior of characters related to the concept of protagonist, and also gives their general characteristics.

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