IARIW-HSE 2019 Conference, Programme



Opening Remarks - Room 518 [podcast]

Marshall Reinsdorf (IARIW President and IMF)
Vladimir Sokolin (Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States)
Pavel Malkóv (Head of Federal State Statistics Service)
Leonid Gokhberg (First Vice Rector, National Research University Higher School of Economics)

Keynote Speaker - Branko Milanović (City University of New York, United States) - Room 518 [podcast] 

Chair: Alexander Surinov (HSE)
"Changes in Worldwide Income Distribution and Their Political Effects"  [abstract]

Plenary Session 1: Income Inequality - Room 518

Chair: Suresh Chand Aggarwal (Senior Fellow (ICSSR), University of Dehli, India)

1."Income Stratification in Modern Russia: Specifics and Dynamics" 
[paper] [abstract][podcast]

Svetlana Mareeva (HSE)
Discussant: Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna and CLMS, HSE) 
2. "Welfare Dynamics and Inequality in the Russian Federation during 1994-2015"
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Hai-Anh Dang (World Bank, United States), Michael Lokshin (World Bank, United States), Kseniya Abanokova (HSE) and Maurizio Bussolo (World Bank, United States)
Discussant: Branko Milanović (City University of New York, United States)

3. "Income Inequality and Trust in National Governments in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe" 
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Mariya Hake (Oesterreichische National Bank, Austria) and Christian A. Belabed (Oesterreichische National Bank, Austria)
Discussant: Aleksey Oshchepkov (HSE)

Plenary Session 2: Productivity and Growth - Room 518

Chair: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing)

1. "Productivity Trends in Russian Industries: Firm-Level Evidence"

Evgenia Bessonova (Bank of Russia and HSE) and Ann Tsvetkova (Bank of Russia)
Discussant: Marshall Reinsdorf (IARIW President)

2. "Productivity Performance of High- and Low-Skill Intensive Industries Before and After the Crisis in Europe, Japan, Russia and the US"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Kirsten Jäger (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Austria), Robert Stehrer (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies) and Ilya B. Voskoboynikov (HSE)
Discussant: Deb Kusum Das (University of Dehli, India)

3. "How and Why Has Eastern Europe Lagged Behind The West For (At Least) Two Centuries? Long-Term Patterns of Economic Growth and Development in Central, East and South-East Europe since 1800"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Matthias Morys (University of York, United Kingdom)
Discussant: Discussant: Andrei Markevich (New Economic School)

Concurrent Sessions 3A, 3B

Concurrent Session 3A: System of National Accounts (SNAs) - Room 518

Chair: Andrey Kosarev (CIS-Stat)

1. "Digital Economy: Problems and Prospects of Accounting and Measurement in the System of National Accounts"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Alexander Abroskin (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration)
Discussant: Andrey Tatarinov (Rosstat)

2. "Broader Use of SNA Framework and Monetary Statistics for Household Financial Wealth Analysis"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Galina Vasilieva (Bank of Russia) and Elena Vasilieva (Bank of Russia)
Discussant: Andrey Tatarinov (Rosstat)

3. "GDP and Beyond: The Case Study of Some Peer-to-Peer Households Transactions in Russia (Issues of Statistical Research)"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Marina D. Simonova (MGIMO-University, Moscow)
Discussant: Marshall Reinsdorf (IARIW President)

Concurrent Session 3B: Income Inequality - Room 508 (M11)

Chair: Vladimir Gimpleson (HSE)

1. "Keeping Up with the Novaks: Income Distribution as a Determinant of Household Debt in CESEE"

Philipp Poyntner (Vienna University of Eocnomics and Business, Austria) and Mariya Hake (Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Austria)
Discussant: Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna and CLMS, HSE)

2. "Issues of Inequality Representation in Conditions of Deep Social Stratification"
[paper], [abstract][podcast]
Victor Kapitanov (Polyus Research Institute of MF Stelmakh JSC, Russia), Anna Ivanova (SI Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk, Ukraine) and Alexandra Maximova (SI "Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics", Donetsk, Ukraine)
Discussant: Kseniya Abanokova (HSE)

3. "Inequality and Inclusive Growth: Evidence from the Selected East European and CIS Countries”
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Suresh Chand Aggarwal (Senior Fellow (ICSSR), University of Dehli, India)
Discussant: Kseniya Abanokova (HSE)

4. "Does Weather Sharpen Income Inequality in Russia?"
[paper], [podcast] 

Olga Popova (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Germany) and Vladimir Otrachshenko (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Germany)
Discussant: Suresh Chand Aggarwal (Senior Fellow (ICSSR), University of Dehli, India)  

Concurrent Sessions 4A, 4B

Concurrent Session 4A: Economic Growth and Productivity Growth - Room 518

Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards and IARIW)

1. "Firms’ Efficiency, Exits and Government Procurement Contracts"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Evguenia Bessonova (Bank of Russia and HSE)

2. "Evidence for Middle-Income Trap Non-occurrence in the Light of KLEMS Growth Accounting in Poland"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Dariusz Kotlewski (Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and Statistics Poland (GUS)) and Miroslaw Blazej (Statistics Poland)
Discussant: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing) 

3. "The Contribution of Intangible Assets to the Long-Term Growth of the Russian Economy"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Ksenia Bobyleva (HSE)
Discussant: Kirsten Jäger (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Austria)

4. "Growth and Productivity in Post Socialist Regimes: An India-Russia Comparison"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Deb Kusum Das (University of Delhi, India), Abdul Azeez Erumban (The Conference Board, Brusells, Belgium) and Pilu Chandra Das (Kidderpore College and Kolkata University)
Discussant: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing) 

Concurrent Session 4B: Regional Analysis - Room 508 

Chair: Matthias Morys (University of York, United Kingdom)

1. "Estimating a Comprehensive Model of Russian Regional Convergence"
[paper], [abstract][podcast

Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna and CLMS, HSE, Russia), Aleksey Oshchepkov (CLMS, HSE, Russia) and Maria Giulia Silvagni (University of Bologna, Italy)
Discussant: Robert Stehrer (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies)

2. "Spatial Externalities of Technological Innovation and Economic Growth"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Ekaterina Kadochnikova (Kazan Federal University, Russia)
Discussant: Olga Demidova (HSE)

3. "Beta-convergence of Russian Regions: Sectoral and Spatial Aspects"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Olga Demidova (HSE) and Denis Prokopov (HSE)
Discussant: Ilya Voskoboynikov (HSE)

4. "Analysis of the Development of the Automotive Cluster and its Impact on Economic Growth in Central and Eastern Europe between 2013 and 2018"
[paper], [abstract][podcast] 

Klaudia Máténé Bella (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), András Pinkasz (Hungarian Central Statistical Office) and Ildikó Ritzlné Kazimir (Hungarian Central Statistical Office)
Discussant: Boris Kuznetsov (HSE)



Plenary Session 5: Purchasing Power Parity and Input-Output- Room 518
 Chair: Andrey Tatarinov (Rosstat)

1) "PPP-based Stratification of CIS-EU/OECD Economies" 
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Andrey Kosarev (CIS-Stat)
Discussant: Luigi Biggeri (University of Florence) 

2) "Mapping GDP and PPPs at Sub-national Level Through Earth Observation in Eastern Europe and CIS Countries" 
[paper], [abstract], [podcast]

Giovanni Savio (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Chile), Simona Andreano (Universitas Mercatorum), Roberto Benedetti (G. d'Annunzio University) and Federica Piersimoni (Istat)
Discussant: Yuri Beletsky (Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation)

3) "Using Input-Output Links to Measure the Potential for Service-Led Development in Formerly Transition Economies in Central-West Asia" 
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Valerie Mercer-Blackman (Asian Development Bank) and Joseph Mariasingham (Asian Development Bank)
Discussant: Dmitri Piontkovski (HSE)  

 Concurrent Sessions 6A,6B
 Concurrent Session 6A: Well-being - Room 518

Chair: Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna, Italy and HSE)

1. "Gender Differences in Well Being: An Evaluation of CIS Countries" 

Surajit Deb (Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi, India)

2. "Assessment of the Population Welfare on the Basis of the Asset Index"
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Nikita Ryabushkin (Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, Russia)
Discussant: Ekaterina Slobodenyuk (HSE)

3. "Globalization and Well Being – A Comparative Study of East European and CIS Countries" 

Ratan Ghosal (University of Calcutta, India)
Discussant: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards and IARIW)

4. "A Comprehensive Analysis of Household Perspectives in EU Member States in Central and Eastern Europe" 
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Maria Kozina (Eurostat, European Commission) and Francesca Tartamella (Eurostat, European Commission)
Discussant: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards and IARIW)

 Concurrent Session 6B: Poverty - Room 508

Chair: Oksana Sinyavskaia (HSE)

1. "Understanding Inequality and Poverty Trends in Russia" 
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Anastasiya Lisina (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research and University of Luxembourg) and Philippe Van Kerm (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research and University of Luxembourg)
Discussant: Robert Stehrer (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies)

2. "Poverty and Income Inequality in Poland – Objective Measures and Social Perception"
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Anna Szukielojc-Bieńkuńska (Statistics Poland), Tomasz Piasecki (Statistics Poland) and Grażyna Marciniak (Statistics Poland)
Discussant: Evgenia Chernina (HSE)

3. "Subjective Income Poverty and Equivalence Scales in Eastern vs. Western European Countries"
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Martina Mysikova (The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), Tomas Zelinsky (The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), Thesia Garner (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States) and Kamila Fialova (The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)

Discussant: Jacques Silber (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)

4. "The Important Role of Equivalence Scales: Household Size, Composition, and Poverty Dynamics in Russia"
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Hai-Anh Dang (World Bank, United States), Kseniya Abanokova (National Research University, Russia), and Michael Lokshin (World Bank, United States)
Discussant: Jacques Silber (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)

Plenary Session 7: Poverty and Wealth - Room 518

Chair: Branko Milanović (City University of New York, United States)

1. "Asset Indexes and the Measurement of Inequality and Welfare: The Case of the South Caucasus and of Central Asia"
  [paper], [abstract], [podcast]

Jacques Silber (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), Joseph Deutsch (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), Yongsheng Xu (Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA) and Guangha Wan (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Discussant: Yulia Lezhnina (HSE)

2. "Multidimensional Poverty in Russian Regions" 
[paper][abstract],  [podcast]

Sergey Kapelyuk (Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, Novosibirsk, Russia) and Nikita Ryabushkin (Sberian Univesity of Consumer Cooperation)
Discussant: Ekaterina Slobodenyuk (HSE) Russia)

3. "Changes in Income Inequality in Lithuania: The Role of Policy, Labour Market Structure, Returns and Demographics"
[ [paper], [abstract], [podcast]

Nerijs Černiauskas (Bank of Lithuania and Vilnius University), Denisa M. Sologon (Luxembourg Institue of Socio-Economic Research), Cathal O'Donoghue (The National University of Ireland) and Linas Tarasonis (Bank of Lithuania and Vilnius University)
Discussant: Anna Lukyanova (HSE) 

4. "Differences in Wealth and Wealth Inequality among the CEE Countries"
[paper], [abstract][podcast]

Katarzyna Salach (University of Warsaw, Poland) and Michal Brzezinski (University of Warsaw, Poland) 
Discussant: Martina Mysikova (The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)  

Closing Panel: "Improving the Measurement on Income and Wealth in the Official Statistics in CIS Countries and Eastern Europe" - Room 518 [podcast]
 Chair: Marshall Reinsdorf (IMF, IARIW)

Vladimir Sokolin (Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States)
Irina Masakova (Deputy Head of Federal State Statistics Service)
Aleksandr Surinov (HSE)
Masaaki Kuboniwa (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)




Post-Conference Lecture: "Understanding the Economic History of Eastern Europe and CIS Countries" - Room 309 [podcast]

Chair: Professor Andrei Markevich (New Economic School)
Matthias Morys (University of York, United Kingdom)
*synchronized/web translation provided