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Alina Myalo

  • Alina Myalo has been at HSE University since 2012.


  • 2017

    Master's in Economics
    HSE University, Applied economics

  • 2015

    Bachelor's in Banking and finance
    HSE University, International college of economics and finance

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

University of London (London School of Economics and Political Science), BSc Banking and finance (2012-2015)

MITRO, Higher School of cinema and TV (OSTANKINO). Faculty of TV and radio host (2016-2018)

Awards and Accomplishments


  • HSE Olympiad for students in Higher Math (Applied Economics program), Winner, 2014-2015
  • Russian Economy Foundation, Scholarship, 2013-2014
  • Oxford Russian Fund, Scholarship, 2013-2014  
  • JSC Gazprombank, Scholarship, 2013-2014
  • Golden HSE 2013, Prize-winner and fellow of the scholarship in the nomination Silver Bird, 2013

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Principles of Banking and Finance (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance; field of study "38.03.01. Экономика", field of study "38.03.01. Экономика", field of study "38.03.01. Экономика", field of study "38.03.01. Экономика"; 2 year, 1-4 module)Eng

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Courses (2019/2020)




  • 2020
    XXI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Factors of Success of Initial Coin Offering. Empirical Evidence from 2016–2019.
  • 2019
    XX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Недооценка ICO: влияние страновой принадлежности
  • 2018
    • National Research University- Higher School of Economics, Analytics for Management and Economics Conference (AMEC-2018), Saint Petersburg, Russia (Saint Petersburg). Presentation: Underpricing of ICO

Employment history

01/2021- till now


SberX department, Ecosystem of accelerators/ Head of the department of SberZ and SberStudent projects

Realized 2 main programs for young entrepreneurs (age 13-25) with 28 000 members in the 1st year of realization from all regions in Russia, organized the Tech Day (2 days) with more than 7 000 online viewers and 10+ speakers, organized and conducted more than 30 live webinars with leaders of tech laboratories, trackers and alumni of Sber500. The main focuses are the development of educational programs, the growth of members, and the quality increase of business projects. https://sberstudent.sberclass.ruhttps://sber-z.sberclass.ru

02/2015 –till now

IES Evening School, educational project for the high-school students

Head and founder

Developed 6 main directions of work (academic program, regional courses, Open Day, Olympiad, Summer School, Case Championship), lead a team with more than 70 members. Taught more than 6000 students, organized more than 100 events. https://vk.com/ies_school

Received 2 honors for the best social and charity project, HSE Alumni Awards for best graduates and high professional achievements, 2016

01/2016 -till now

National Research University Higher School of Economics 

Advisor of ICEF Director for students and applicants, 06/2021 – till now

Realize the projects in extracurricular activities for students, give the expert opinion about the realization of the development program in part of students and applicants, manage the team, and organize the work of digital instruments for education.

Dean of the student at ICEF, 01/2016-05/2021

Realized more than 25 projects in education for the optimization process, blended learning, and online courses. Consulted more than 1100 students and prepared them for future career paths (Career center). Organized more than 300 career and academic events for undergraduates, students, and graduates. Managed work of Student Council and 10 student organizations. https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/46728017

Received the Gratitude of the ICEF Director for the success in the admission campaign, 2020

Class teacher. HSE Best Teacher Award, 2018

Principle of Banking and Finance – 2-year students (ICEF), 2018- till now

§  Soft skills, Public Speaking – Master in Management of Social Entrepreneurship, 2019

§  Microeconomics – 1-year students (Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Sociology), 2017-2019

§  Macroeconomics – 2-year students (Political and Government Department), 2017-2018

§  Teaching assistant in Calculus - 1-year students (ICEF), 2012-2016

11/2015 – 04/2020

Radio Mediametrics

Host and author of a program that aims are to present the most interesting and successful startups/companies or personal stories. Made more than 150 programs. http://radio.mediametrics.ru/Genereation_Y/

07/2014 – 01/2016

Procter and Gamble

F&A Department/ EECAR Fabric Care Financial Analyst 

Develop and lead Save to reinvest project, construct and automate SRM tracker, fully leading the Net analysis of Kazakhstan and Belarus pricing

The financial lead of the biggest category in business (30%) in 9 countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia). Key responsibilities- pricing analysis, budget control, financial analysis of new brand initiatives. 

Received 3 honors ‘Power of you’ as recognition of high-quality work and impressive project results.  

07/2013 – 08/2013

VTB 24  

Mortgage Department/Intern

Customer service in obtaining mortgage loans, producing submission of applications with the system «ABC Biscuit», supporting mortgage transactions. Received an offer for the full-time employment

06/2013 – 06/2013

MTS Bank 

Mortgage Department/Intern

Real estate market research. Constructed the model of the square meter costs of apartments in Yekaterinburg, which makes predictions for the next two periods.

Timetable for today

Full timetable