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Name the HSE Supercomputer: the Final Stage of Voting Kicks Off

The IT Office has drawn up a short-list of names for the HSE supercomputer—based on the results of the first stage of online vote among HSE University students and staff.

The HSE University supercomputer has 28 terabyte of RAM, 104 graphic processors, peak capacity of 912.4 trillion mathematical operations a minute. It currently holds 7th place on the list of most powerful computers in CIS. It is being used by 288 staff members and students from 33 university departments, but it still doesn’t have a name. And we are going to fix this very soon.

Today, six options are in the finals of the vote for the name that will be given to the HSE computational cluster. The IT Office determined them from the first stage of the vote among HSE students and staff, which took place from June 16 to 30.

You can choose from the suggested options before August 1, following a principle ‘one vote—one name’. All HSE University staff members and students are welcome to vote.

By the start of the new academic year, our supercomputer will have a name, which will be chosen by us altogether, and it will be a true part of HSE University!

July 09, 2020