HSE students can check their work for plagiarism in the Antiplagiarism system. This option is available in your MyHSE account. You may submit a request in the system up to six times a year. Initially, there were no limitations on using the service. Alexander Zimovets, Head of the Office for Digitalization of Education, explains why the HSE administration has introduced these restrictions.
Head of the Office for Digitalization of Education
Until the end of 2020, students had the opportunity to check their work for plagiarism only once a year in LMS. This was rather inconvenient, and we decided to expand the service capabilities — HSE students could check their work in their MyHSE personal account as many times as they wanted.
Usage statistics showed, however, that some students check their work too often. Due to this fact, the total number of checks available for HSE University per year runs out quickly.
Having analyzed the data collected during the first three months of the system's operation, we decided to introduce a limit of five checks per calendar year for each student.
At the same time, one final check in LMS is still available for the students. Thus, the total number of checks per year equals six.