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Author: Solovova, Ekaterina
On November 9, 2016 HSE held a Mexican Day of the Dead Celebration. The event was organized by the Mexican community at HSE and the International Student Support Unit with the support of the Embassy of Mexico in Russia.
November 16, 2016
In February-March 2014, the HSE launched six new international laboratories following a tender of three-year projects under the supervision of leading international researchers. One of the projects is the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications. The HSE News Service keeps on interviewing new staff members of the laboratory. This time Alexander Veretennikov, Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, agreed to tell us about his work and plans at the HSE as well as about his hobbies.
August 14, 2014
In February-March 2014, the HSE launched six new international laboratories following a tender of three-year projects under the supervision of leading international researchers. One of the projects that was approved is the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications. Denis Belomestny, Lead Research Fellow at the Laboratory, agreed to shed some light on his work and plans at the HSE.
June 10, 2014
Sociologists have developed a variety of theories and empirical research on social movements that are closely connected with democracy. Why do people join and stay in social movements? What happens to them when participants achieve their goals? Benjamin Lind, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and author of the course 'History of Social Movements', explained what makes the subject relevant nowadays and shared his own experience with social movements in an interview for the HSE news service.
April 30, 2014
On April 23, 2014, Professor Dennis Mueller (University of Vienna, Austria) spoke at the HSE on 'Democracy and Citizenship'. He agreed to speak with the HSE news service to share his views on successful democracy and his impressions of the HSE as an institute.
April 29, 2014
The HSE Public Policy Department and the University of Bologna are launching a double degree master’s programme in Political Analysis and Public Policy. Nina Belyaeva, Head of the HSE Department of Public Policy gave an interview to the HSE news service about future challenges and her hopes and expectations for the programme.
April 25, 2014
On April 15, 2014, Mitch Feierstein, a British-American investor, banker, analyst, and columnist for The Independent and Huffington Post, presented the Russian edition of his book Planet Ponzi: How Politicians and Bankers Stole Your Future. What Happens Next. How You Can Survive, at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.
April 18, 2014
Corruption is a burning issue in Russia that won’t go away. What is the general attitude to corruption in Russia and other countries, and why does it draw so much public attention? How should we study this phenomenon? Lili Di Puppo, Associate Professor at the HSE Faculty of Sociology, author of the course ‘The Sociology of Corruption’ talked to the HSE news service, to help shed some light on the matter.
April 07, 2014