How to join us

Dear friends!

To join the Theatre Studio you must pass an audition. Auditions are usually held in the autumn. All who are interested are welcome to audition. For this you must prepare a fable, a poem, a prose excerpt, a joke, and a song. Knowing how to play an instrument or dance is a plus. During the audition, our masters may give you different tasks besides the prepared program. 

Here are some answers to possible questions:

  1. If you are not a student at HSE, you still join the HSE Theatre School.
  2. Reading from a script or notes during the audition is prohibited. You must prepare for all tasks listed above, not just one.
  3. Prose excerpts should not be too long or too short. Take a medium one with complete idea.
  4. When you sing a song, we don't evaluate you based on your singing ability. We want you to sing from your heart without paying attention to technique. Don’t worry if you think that your skills are insufficient.
  5. If you need an accompaniment for your musical performance, you can bring it on a thumb drive. If necessary, you can bring your own instrument (for example, a guitar). But it is not a necessity.
  6. Jokes should be appropriate; vulgarity is not permitted.
  7. We don't have special requirements regarding authors or themes that you should use. Read anything you like: things you are interested in and that touch you. But try to choose things that showcase you from different perspectives (try contrasting pieces, such as one that is sad and another that is funny).

Below are some links for you to ask questions and find answers.


2. e-mail: